Scholarships and Awards

Cupola atop a building on the Molloy University campus

Scholarships and Awards

Students may be eligible for scholarships and awards administered by the School of Business in addition to options provided by the Office of Financial Aid and those available to military and veteran students.

  • Theresa Ahlstrom / KPMG Scholarship

    The scholarship is awarded to students with the following qualifications: 

    •          Pursuing a degree in accounting at or above the undergraduate level.
    •          Have demonstrated financial need.
    •          Have an overall and accounting cumulative index of at least 3.3.     


    The Scholarship will be administered through the Financial Aid Office based upon recommendations provided by members of the School of Business.

    Recent recipients:

    2024: Matthew Saborio, BS Accounting, Dual Degree and Claudia Chelchowski, BS Accounting

    Matthew Saborio and Dr. Dan Ball
    Matthew Saborio with Dr. Dan Ball


    2023: Samantha Clune, MBA Accounting

    Gioia Bales and Samantha Clune
    Gioia Bales, School of Business dean, with recipient Samantha Clune


  • Patricia A. Calcado Graduate Business Scholarship

    Patricia A. Calcado had a successful 30 year career in the business field and served on the School of Business's Advisory Council until she passed away. In her memory, a scholarship of $1,000 was established. 

    One Molloy MBA student with a disposition toward social responsibility will be recognized. To apply, students should submit the following:  

    •  A 250-300 word essay answering the following question: “How do you define social responsibility?”
    • A statement indicating business and/or personal successes and a statement of need.

    Recent recipients:

    2023: Jenny Pechacek, MBA Healthcare Administration

  • Kiran and Anil Chaturvedi MBA Leadership Award

    This award is given annually at Class Night to a student graduating from Molloy's MBA Program. The recipient will have demonstrated strong leadership skills and a desire to become an outstanding leader in their chosen business field, and will have maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.7 or higher.

    Recent recipients:

    2023: Gregory Burger, MBA Management

    Gioia Bales with Gregory Burger
    Gioia Bales, School of Business dean, with recipient Gregory Burger


  • Dr. Robert Goch Memorial Scholarship

    The Dr. Robert Goch Memorial Scholarship is awarded to students with the following qualifications:

    1. An undergraduate and graduate student enrolled as finance major in business.

    2. The student must have completed nine credits in finance.

    3. To qualify, the undergraduate student must have GPA of 3.0 and graduate student must have a GPA of 3.5.

    4. Candidate must write a 200 to 250-word essay on “why they are passionate about finance and how they live an aspect of the School of Business Mission in their daily life.”

    The essay committee will blindly review all submissions. The committee will consist of three full-time faculty with at least one who regularly teaches in the finance discipline. The committee will be appointed annually by the Dean of the School of Business.

    This scholarship is a one-time award (up to $500) and is announced yearly at Class Night.

  • Maureen L. Mackenzie Capstone Leadership Award

    The Maureen L. Mackenzie Capstone Leadership Award at Molloy University is awarded to one or more Graduate Capstone students from the summer, fall, and spring semesters. The $500 award is given to the selected student(s) who has met the following criteria: 

    • The student does not need to demonstrate financial need.   
    • The student will need to have completed a graduate capstone experience in summer, fall, or spring of his or her graduating year.  
    • The student must have completed all his or her coursework with the capstone experience being the final course.
    • The student must have a 3.5 GPA or better. 
    • The MBA student must demonstrate the following behaviors and characteristics:   
    • Collegiality 
    • Collaboration 
    • Mentoring support of his/her team members
    • Leadership 

    Recent recipients:

    2024: Justin Renner, MBA Management and Lilly Vincenti, MBA Healthcare Administration

    Justin Renner with Maureen Mackenzie-Ruppel
    Justin Renner with Dr. Maureen L. Mackenzie-Ruppel
    Lilly Vincenti and Maureen Mackenzie-Ruppel
    Lilly Vincenti with Dr. Maureen L. Mackenzie-Ruppel


    2023: Daniella Collura, MBA Accounting

    Gioia Bales and Danielle Collura
    Gioia Bales, School of Business dean, with recipient Daniella Collura.


  • Jesse R. Radowitz Memorial Scholarship

    Established by Jesse's family, this partial tuition scholarship will be awarded to the MBA student in the School of Business with demonstrated financial need and a strong commitment to community service and philanthropy.

    Recent recipients:

    2024: Jaclyn Schuman, MBA Marketing 

    2023: Daniella Collura, MBA Accounting

    Gioia Bales and Daniella Collura
    Gioia Bales, School of Business dean, with recipient Daniella Collura.

  • Mother Cabrini Health Foundation Service Scholarship

    Supported by a grant from the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation, teams of faculty and students of the School of Business work with area nonprofit professionals who provide need-based services and programs to historically marginalized populations. These teams are formed to help leaders address professional development and community capacity building challenges at their organizations.

    Multiple service scholarships are available in amounts ranging from $2,500–$5,000 per semester.

    Mother Cabrini scholarship recipients and other conference attendees

  • Graduate Assistantships

    The University offers Graduate Assistantships to students enrolled in our graduate business program.   

    • Graduate Assistants must be a graduate student enrolled in a minimum of six (6) graduate credits during the semester(s) of the assistantship.
    • Graduate Assistants must work 10 hours per week or the equivalent for a total of 150 hours over the course of the semester.
    • Graduate Assistants receive a 3-credit voucher per semester.
    • Graduate Assistants receive a $500 stipend per semester.

    Please view the Graduate Assistantships webpage for additional information on Business graduate assistantships.

    In addition, the School of Business awards one graduate assistant the Graduate Assistant Award at Class Night each spring.

    Recent recipients of the Graduate Assistant Award:

    2024: Jaclyn Schuman, MBA Marketing

    2023: Daniella Collura, MBA Accounting

    Gioia Bales and Daniella Collura
    Gioia Bales, School of Business dean, with recipient Daniella Collura.