Finance MBA

Cupola atop a building on the Molloy University campus

MBA in Finance

A Molloy MBA in Finance is designed to give you the critical-thinking skills required to be a leader in world financial markets. The program is constructed around the core pillars of business ethics, quantitative modeling, decision-making and written and verbal communication.

Our experiential approach requires students to apply the core skills in each course through both individual and group projects and case-based simulations, which enhance the active learning experience. The broad context of the program gives you the tools to become a financial decision-maker in any business context, which is essential in the ever-changing career marketplace.

With easy access to New York City, students also benefit from alumni connections and internship or career change opportunities working with our Career Placement Coordinator.

MBA in Finance: What you can expect

A Finance MBA gives students a broad range of vital business curriculum knowledge as well as a deeper concentration and depth of study in finance. The Molloy finance program is built to support and help each student thrive as they pursue their degree and post-graduation as they enter the business world.

Our accomplished faculty work hand-in-hand with students to give them real-world experience and foster important networking and mentoring relationships through Capstone.


Explore the courses and topics that you could take to fulfill a Finance MBA:


Master of Business Administration (MBA) — Finance

(33 Total Credits)


  • Finance Core Courses:

    Business Ethics

    Financial Statement Analysis

    Corporate Financial Management

    Investment Management

    Advanced Topics in Finance

    Quantitative Analysis

    Project Management I

  • Accounting Elective: Complete one (3 credits)

    Managerial Accounting and Reporting

    Accounting Theory

  • Organizations Elective: Complete one (3 credits)

    Organizational Behavior

    Leadership in Organizations

    Perspectives on Strategy

    General Elective: Complete one

    Managerial Accounting and Reporting

    Accounting Theory

    Accounting Research

    Computer Auditing

    Marketing Management

    Organizational Behavior

    Advanced Topics in Accounting and Taxation

    Leadership in Organizations

    Business Analytics

    Predictive Analytics

    Perspectives on Strategy

    Accounting for Healthcare Professionals

    Healthcare Marketing

    Economic Evaluations in Healthcare

    Healthcare Finance

    Healthcare Organization and Delivery

    Global Marketing

    Project Management II

  • Capstone Course: (3 credits)

    Capstone I

Career opportunities for graduates with an MBA in Finance

An MBA in Finance is a significant advantage to young professionals entering the financial industry. The Finance MBA provides students with the essential core skills and knowledge needed to succeed within the financial sector.

The business sector is always growing and evolving — and our graduate program aims to give students the tools to achieve success. From managing finance to risk management and investments, our MBA in Finance helps you stand out from the crowd.

MBA graduates in finance have the unique ability to work in both banking and non-banking sectors, and private and non-private sectors. This flexibility can be extremely beneficial as you narrow down your preferred career paths through experiential learning.

Some exciting career path opportunities include:

  • Corporate finance manager
  • Chief financial officer
  • Senior financial analyst
  • Senior risk analyst
  • Private equity specialist
  • Investment Manager
  • Financial Risk Manager

MBA in Finance: Admission requirements and tuition

At Molloy, we pride ourselves on the ability to support student career development and degree goals — within a budget. Graduate tuition is payable each semester with a set cost per credit and enrollment fee for semesters. For regularly updated information regarding tuition costs, check out our Molloy Tuition and Fees page here. For additional financial information, please visit our financial aid page here.

To begin the journey to your MBA in Finance, go to our Application Management page to create an official Molloy account or log in (if you already have one ). 

Excited to learn about the next steps? Explore our graduate admissions.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to our faculty in the business department.


Determining if an MBA in Finance is right for you

As you explore various graduate programs and degrees, you may wonder, “Why should I choose an MBA in Finance?”

The simple answer: it opens the most doors. An MBA in Finance provides you with the vital financial and management expertise that employers need across the financial industry. It gives you the necessary prerequisites to succeed in various sectors (from risk management to investment banking to financial analysis), which is a one-of-a-kind career foundation for students.

Graduating with a finance specialization puts you in higher demand in the real world — and increases future salary packages. If you’re looking for a comprehensive finance curriculum with experiential learning and future job security, our Finance MBA program might be the perfect match.

Earn your MBA in Finance at Molloy University

Molloy understands that life doesn’t stop when you decide to pursue a graduate degree — and that’s why we work with students to support them as they earn their Master of Business Administration in Finance. Our graduate program is designed to set each MBA student up for academic and professional success while fitting within their lifestyle.

Beyond being one of the most affordable private universities in the region, we also have accomplished faculty that work passionately alongside students to help them pursue their higher education degrees. We offer small class sizes, online MBA courses, experiential learning in the field and real-world skills to drive success inside and outside of the classroom.

Get started on the path to your Finance MBA here.