Scholarships, Awards & Honors

Scholarships, Awards & Honors
We recognize the achievements of students and celebrate their accomplishments by awarding scholarships, awards, academic honors, and the opportunity to be inducted into the Molloy chapter of Sigma Beta Delta, an international honor society.
Scholarships and Awards
Students may be eligible for scholarships and awards administered by the School of Business in addition to options provided by the Office of Financial Aid and those available to students with military experience.
The Theresa Ahlstrom / KPMG Scholarship
The Theresa Ahlstrom / KPMG Scholarship is awarded to students with the following qualifications:
- Pursuing a degree in accounting at or above the undergraduate level.
- Have demonstrated financial need.
- Have an overall and accounting cumulative index of at least 3.3.
The Scholarship is administered through the Financial Aid Office based upon recommendations provided by members of the School of Business.
Recent recipients:
2024: Matthew Saborio, BS Accounting, Dual Degree and Claudia Chelchowski, BS Accounting
Matthew Saborio with Dr. Dan Ball 2023: Samantha Clune, MBA Accounting
Gioia Bales, School of Business dean, with Samantha Clune -
The Patricia A. Calcado Graduate Business Scholarship
Patricia A. Calcado had a successful 30 year career in the business field and served on the School of Business's Advisory Council until she passed away. In her memory, a scholarship of $1,000 was established.
One Molloy MBA student with a disposition toward social responsibility will be recognized. To apply, students should submit the following:
- A 250-300 word essay answering the following question: “How do you define social responsibility?”
- A statement indicating business and/or personal successes and a statement of need.
Recent recipients:
2022: Jenny Pechacek, MBA Healthcare Administration
Jenny Pechacek (center) with Molloy University president Jim Lentini, Town of Hempstead councilwoman Dorothy Goosby, Jaclyn Calcado, and Jack Calcado -
The Capstone Anniversary Scholarship
The Capstone Anniversary Scholarship at Molloy University is awarded to one or more Undergraduate Capstone students from the fall and spring semesters. An award of $500 is given to the selected student(s) who has met the following criteria:
- The student completed an undergraduate capstone experience in fall or spring of his or her graduating year.
- The student must have a 3.5 GPA or better.
- The student must demonstrate the following behaviors and characteristics:
- Collegiality
- Collaboration
- Mentoring support of his/her team members
- Leadership
The student does not need to demonstrate financial need.
Each semester, all business undergraduate capstone students from the classes offered that academic year will have an opportunity to nominate one or more colleague(s) that most represents the above criteria. The nomination period is one week. The Dean, Associate Dean, and capstone professors of the School of Business will review all nominations and select the award winner(s).
The award will be announced at the School of Business Class Night.
Recent recipients:
2024: Michael Brown, BS Economics, Dual Degree, and Haley Maresca, BS Marketing, Dual Degree
Haley Maresca, recipient of the Capstone Anniversary Scholarship, with Dr. Dan Ball. 2023: Alexandra Avner, BS Management and Jaclyn Schuman, BS Management, Dual Degree
Gioia Bales, School of Business dean, with recipient Alexandra Avner. -
The Kiran and Anil Chaturvedi MBA Leadership Award
The Kiran and Anil Chaturvedi MBA Leadership Award is given annually at Class Night to a student graduating from Molloy's MBA Program. The recipient will have demonstrated strong leadership skills and a desire to become an outstanding leader in their chosen business field, and will have maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.7 or higher.
Recent recipients:
2023: Gregory Burger, MBA Management
Gioia Bales, School of Business dean, with recipient Gregory Burger -
The Dawn DiStefano Business and Marketing Scholarship
The Dawn DiStefano Business and Marketing Scholarship was established by Dr. Dawn DiStefano, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, in June 2017. The scholarship is awarded every spring to a student that demonstrates service to the community and has at least a 3.3 GPA.
The criterion for the scholarship is as follows:
- All sophomore or juniors majoring in management or marketing are eligible.
- A senior level student majoring in management or marketing may be considered if planning to continue graduate studies in management or marketing.
Consideration will be given to:
- Juniors and seniors majoring in finance who are either completing or have completed the BUS 4900 Capstone course (in the same semester applying for the said scholarship), and
- are planning to continue graduate studies in management, marketing, finance, or economics.
Recent recipients:
2024: Kathleen Healy, BS Management
Kathleen Healy, recipient of the 2024 Dawn DiStefano Business and Marketing Scholarship, with Dr. Brian O'Neill 2023: Jaclyn Schuman, BS Management, Dual Degree
The Dr. Robert Goch Memorial Scholarship
The Dr. Robert Goch Memorial Scholarship is awarded to students with the following qualifications:
- An undergraduate and graduate student enrolled as finance major in business.
- The student must have completed nine credits in finance.
- The undergraduate student must have GPA of 3.0 and graduate student must have a GPA of 3.5.
- The student must write a 200 to 250-word essay on “why they are passionate about finance and how they live an aspect of the School of Business Mission in their daily life.”
The essay committee will blindly review all submissions. The committee will consist of three full-time faculty with at least one who regularly teaches in the finance discipline. The committee will be appointed annually by the Dean of the School of Business.
This scholarship is a one-time award (up to $500) and is announced yearly at Class Night.
Recent recipients:
2024: Konrad Maciejny, BS Finance
Konrad Maciejny with Professor Bruce Haller, J.D., M.B.A. -
The Maureen L. Mackenzie Capstone Leadership Award
The Maureen L. Mackenzie Capstone Leadership Award at Molloy University is awarded to one or more Graduate Capstone students from the summer, fall, and spring semesters. The $500 award is given to a student(s) who has met the following criteria:
- The student completed a graduate capstone experience in summer, fall, or spring of his or her graduating year.
- The student completed all his or her coursework with the capstone experience being the final course.
- The student has a 3.5 GPA or better.
- The student does not need to demonstrate financial need.
- The student has demonstrated the following behaviors and characteristics:
- Collegiality
- Collaboration
- Mentoring support of his/her team members
- Leadership
Recent recipients:
2024: Justin Renner, MBA Management and Lilly Vincenti, MBA Healthcare Administration
Justin Renner with Dr. Maureen L. Mackenzie-Ruppel Lilly Vincenti with Dr. Maureen L. Mackenzie-Ruppel 2023: Daniella Collura, MBA Accounting
Gioia Bales, School of Business dean, with recipient Daniella Collura. -
The Mother Cabrini Health Foundation Service Scholarship
Supported by a grant from the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation, teams of faculty, students and alumni of the School of Business work on projects with area nonprofit professionals who provide need-based services and programs to historically marginalized populations. These teams are formed to help leaders address professional development and community capacity building challenges at their organizations.
Multiple service scholarships are available in amounts ranging from $2,500–$5,000 per semester.
Project team members Gianna-Marie Festa, Caitlin Kennedy, Briana Stephenson, and Krystal Raymond. -
The Jesse R. Radowitz Memorial Scholarship
Established by Jesse's family, Jesse R. Radowitz Memorial Scholarship is awarded to an MBA student in the School of Business with demonstrated financial need and a strong commitment to community service and philanthropy.
Recent recipients:
2023: Daniella Collura, MBA Accounting
Gioia Bales, School of Business dean, with recipient Daniella Collura. -
The Sister Judy Olsen Scholarship
The Sister Judy Olsen Scholarship is awarded to students with the following qualifications:
- A full-time undergraduate student enrolled in a degree program in business.
- The student must have completed 32 credits at Molloy.
- The undergraduate student must have GPA of 3.0 and graduate student must have a GPA of 3.5.
- The student must write a brief essay on “how they live an aspect of the School of Business Mission in their daily life.”
Sister Judy Olsen, OP, MBA will review the essays and determine the winner. If she is not available, the Dean or representative from the School of Business will make the final selection.
This scholarship is a one-time award (up to $500) and is announced yearly at Class Night.
Haley Maresca, recipient of the Sister Judy Olsen Scholarship, with Sister Judy Olsen. -
The Winans Family Scholarship—It Begins with YOU
In the Spring 2019 semester, First Lieutenant Joshua Winans, a Molloy Business alumnus established The Winans Family Scholarship - It Begins with YOU Fund. The scholarship is awarded at Class Night to an undergraduate student that demonstrates service to their community.
The criterion for the scholarship is as follows:
- all sophomores or juniors majoring in accounting, economics, entertainment and sports management, finance, management, or marketing are eligible.
- a senior level student may be considered if planning to continue graduate studies.
- must have a GPA of 3.3 or above.
Recent recipients:
2024: Konrad Maciejny, BS Finance
Konrad Maciejny with Dr. Dan Ball 2023: Gianna Iovino, BS Economics
Gioia Bales, School of Business dean, with recipient Gianna Iovino -
The Alumni Award
The Alumni Award is presented to a member of the graduating class who best characterizes a spirit of service and loyalty to the Alma Mater and will serve as class agent between the Alumni Association and their class. To be eligible, a student must have earned at least 60 credits at Molloy.
Recent recipients:
2023: Liam Burden, BS Marketing, Dual Degree
Gioia Bales, School of Business dean, with recipient Liam Burden -
The Scholar Athlete Award
The Scholar Athlete Award is presented to an outstanding senior athlete who exemplifies superior sportsmanship, academic achievement and ability. Those considered must have a minimum GPA of 3.2.
Recent recipients:
2023: Sarah Tappeto, BS Accounting, Dual Degree
Gioia Bales, School of Business dean, with recipient Sarah Tappeto -
Graduate Assistantships and the Graduate Assistant Award
Graduate Assistantships
The University offers Graduate Assistantships to students enrolled in our graduate business program.
- Graduate Assistants must be a graduate student enrolled in a minimum of six (6) graduate credits during the semester(s) of the assistantship.
- Graduate Assistants must work 10 hours per week or the equivalent for a total of 150 hours over the course of the semester.
- Graduate Assistants receive a 3-credit voucher per semester.
- Graduate Assistants receive a $500 stipend per semester.
Please view the Graduate Assistantships page for additional information on Business graduate assistantships.
The School of Business Graduate Assistant Award
In addition, the School of Business awards one graduate assistant the Graduate Assistant Award at Class Night each spring.
Recent recipients of the Graduate Assistant Award:
2024: Jaclyn Schuman, MBA Marketing
2023: Daniella Collura, MBA Accounting
Gioia Bales, School of Business dean, with recipient Daniella Collura. -
Veritas Scholarship
Veritas Scholarship
Qualified Recipients – (as designated by the scholarship originators)
- Junior/Senior or graduate student committed to completing their degree at Molloy University
- Demonstrated financial need
- Have a cumulative index of at least 3.0
Students interested in being considered for this scholarship must submit an essay that describes their demonstrated leadership through service to the broader community as reflected in the Molloy University four pillars:
Community, Service, Study and Spirituality
This scholarship is non-recurring and next year’s annual allocation is estimated at $5,000.
School of Business students will be contacted via email if they meet the criteria. Eligible students must submit their essays to Stephanie Bros @ no later than Friday, November 1, 2024.
Honors Distinction
The Fourragère of Honor Cord worn about the left shoulder of the academic gown symbolizes scholastic achievement at Molloy University. It derives from the French Military decoration for distinguished service. Students receive the white fourragère for one year’s excellence; American Beauty rose for two years’ excellence; and gold for attaining scholastic excellence for three years. A special blue fourragère is presented to those students who have attained the distinction of being on the Dean’s list for eight consecutive semesters. The American Beauty rose is the highest honor for most transfer students.
Discipline Honors
Each year, the School of Business recognizes graduating students in each discipline who have excelled academically.
Undergraduate Honors
High Honors: Aryan Luthra
Honors: Danielle Hippner
Aryan Luthra and Danielle Hippner with Dr. Brian O'Neill (far left) and Dr. Dan Ball (far right) Economics
High Honors: Michael Browne
High Honors: Ryan Hynes
Honors: Kristine Yu
Ryan Hynes (center) Management
High Honors: Sara Abaev
Honors: Preston Krauss
High Honors: Ishita Sharma
Honors: Anthony Geraci
Ishita Sharma (center) -
Graduate Honors
High Honors: William Delmage
Honors: Sarah Tappeto
William Delmage (center) Sarah Tappeto (center) Finance
High Honors: Tyler Annonio
Honors: Michael Messina
Tyler Annonio (center) Michael Messina (center) Healthcare Administration
High Honors: Jessica Contreras
Honors: Ashley Riccinto
Jessica Contreras (center) Ashley Riccinto (center) Management
High Honors: Nicholas Delmage
Honors: Gabriel Herrera
Nicholas Delmage (center) Marketing
High Honors: Jaclyn Schuman
Honors: Danielle Petrizzo
Sigma Beta Delta Honor Society
Sigma Beta Delta is an International Honor Society for all School of Business majors. The purposes of Sigma Beta Delta are to encourage and recognize scholarship and achievement among business students, and to encourage and promote personal and professional growth and to encourage a life distinguished by honorable service to humankind. Candidates who rank in the upper 20 percent of their class in all School of Business degrees at the time of invitation to membership may be inducted into membership following completion of at least one-half of the degree program in which they are enrolled.
The faculty moderator for the Molloy chapter of Sigma Beta Delta is Bruce Haller, JD, MBA, PhD(c).

Induction Pledge
During the induction ceremony, inductees recite the pledge below indicating they have formally accepted the principles of Sigma Beta Delta.
I pledge myself to maintain and uphold the principles of Sigma Beta Delta,
International Honor Society for all Molloy business disciplines.
I will pursue Wisdom;
I will accept Honor.
I will aspire to fulfill worthy goals.
As a member of this chapter of Sigma Beta Delta,
I will accept my responsibility to support and encourage its purpose.
I will continually seek to represent my chapter, Molloy University,
and my nation throughout my life.
2024 Inductees
The following students were inducted in 2024:
Charles Paul Albano
Nicholas Audia
Erica Francesca Buscemi
Julia Denise DiCianni
Ethan Charles Gelman
Grace Michelle Hughes
Ryan Thomas Hynes
Lindsey Leena Jacob
Haley E. Maresca
Joseph Francesco Marotta
Hunter Mitchell
Julia Panzavecchia
Armita Kaur Parmar
Anthony Rodgers
Matthew H. Saborio
Anisha Singh
Joseph Steven Stallone, Jr.
Anthony Tardugno
Julia Lauren Zalta
Haley Maresca receives a certificate and pin from Kisha Chandler, Business Career Coordinator Joseph Stallone receives a certificate and pin from Kisha Chandler, Business Career Coordinator Graduate
Robert Joseph Connors
Chye Zari Davis
Brian James DiDominica
Nash Jaikaran
Meghan Reilly
Donna Shearer
Chye Davis receives a certificate and pin from Kisha Chandler, Business Career Coordinator Nash Jaikaran receives a certificate and pin from Kisha Chandler, Business Career Coordinator