Concurrent Sessions

Cupola atop a building on the Molloy University campus
Palliative Care Conference
May 30, 2025

2025 Concurrent Topics

Conference participants will be able to pick from a variety of topics presented during two (2), 1.5-hour concurrent sessions: from 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.  and 12:30 - 2 p.m.  10-11 topics for those attending in-person will be offered in each session and 4 topics will be offered in each session for those attending virtually. 

In-person sessions will be indicated by the following: (in-person) and virtual sessions through Zoom are indicated by the following: (virtual or virtual only). 

Sessions marked by an *(asterisk) are approved for SW CE credit. All sessions are approved for Nursing, LMHC, LCAT, and CMTE continuing education credit).

Participants will be asked to pre-register for the topics that they would like to attend. In-person seating is limited, so please make your selections early.

We expect session descriptions will be available for all the sessions by late February, 2025. 

Opening Keynote Session: 8:45 a.m. - 10 a.m.
Title: Topic: Aging and Advanced Illness: Join the Aging Revolution 
Click here for a description and learning objectives. The keynote session will be held in the Madison Theatre.

Concurrent Session I: 10:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

1A. *The Dying Child: Bearing Witness to a Family’s Journey of Finding Light in the Darkness- Marianne Muzic, LCSW, APHSW-C, PMH-C, Palliative Care Program Manager, St. Mary’s Healthcare System for Children (in-person) and (virtual) 

1B. *Living with 9/11 Cancer:  A Support Group Aimed at Helping WTC Health Program General Responders and Survivors Diagnosed with 9/11 Related-Cancer and the Introduction of Patient Centered-Goals and Discussing Treating the Person vs Treating the Disease - Sharon Daneshgar, LCSW-R, 0SW-C and Georgianne Kraft, LCSW-R, OSW-C (in-person)

1C. *Leadership/Counseling and Coaching Staff - Joyce Palmieri, MS, RN, CHPN, FPCN, Senior Vice President of Clinical Services, MJHS Hospice and Palliative Care  (in-person)

1D. *Being In-Between: Caretaking and Grief in Palliative Care - Jennifer Scuro, Ph.D., Molloy University (virtual only)

1E. *A Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Uses of Music in Death and Grief: Considerations for Clinical Music Therapy Practice - Kaitlyn Kelly, MS, LCAT, MT-BC, Molloy University (in-person) and (virtual) 

1F. *Changes in Policy & Legislation for Supporting Family Caregivers - Tara Anglim, EdD., LCSW-R, ACHP-SW; AED of Culture and Experience Peconic Bay Medical Center-Northwell Health, Alyssa McCready, LCSW and Kacey Farber LMSW   (in-person)

1G. *Is My Sister Dying? Supporting Siblings of Children with Medical Complexities and Their Families Throughout the Progression of Disease - Jacob Portnoy, CCLS and Dori Resnick, LMSW, St. Mary’s Hospital for Children (in-person)

1H. *Culturally-Competent Oncology, Hospice and Palliative Care for Latinx, Chinese, and Korean Immigrants: Clinical and Research Perspectives- Cathy Berkman, PhD, MSW, Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service, Grace R. Downs-Liguori, LCSW, Oncology Social Worker, Mount Sinai Queens; Xiaofang Liu, PhD, MSW, Study Coordinator , Columbia Population Research Center , Hing Lin (Helen) Sit, LCSW, Manager ,VNS Health Chinatown NNORC and Mi (Emma) Zhou, LCSW, Social Work Supervisor, Mount Sinai The Blavatnik Family Chelsea Medical Center (in-person)

1I. *What Matters Most and Implementing Goals of Care for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Supported by OPWDD - Dr. Lindsey Semprini, MD, Palliative Medicine, Northwell Health & Christine Gallo, LCSW, GC-C, YTT, Palliative Medicine, PBMC-Northwell Health (in-person)

1J. *End of Life, Trauma and Psychedelics - Dr. Cristian Zanartu Physician, JASA Palliative Care Supportive Services (in-person) and (virtual)

* These session are approved for SW CE credit

Concurrent Session II: 12:30-2 p.m.

2A. *4 M’s of Age Friendly Care:  What Matters, Medication, Mentation and MobilityDr. Lindsey Semprini, MD, Palliative Medicine, Northwell Health & Christine Gallo, LCSW, GC-C, YTT, Palliative Medicine, PBMC-Northwell Health (in-person)

2B. *The Mindful Practioner: Developing an Artful Contemplative Practice, Dr. Katherine Patterson, Molloy University (in-person)

2C. *Taking Care of Your Compassionate Heart, Phyllis S. Quinlan, PhD, RN-BC, Director: Clinical Professional Development, Internal Coach, Cohen Children’s Medical Center/Northwell Health (in-person)

2D. *Fostering Resilience in Family Caregiving Through Education, Empathy and EmpowermentPatricia Daly, LCSW, APHSW-C, Sr. Program Manager, Serenity Family Caregiver Program, Northwell Health LIJ Medical Center (in-person) and (virtual) 

2E. *Crisis of Faith: Spirituality - Sr. Edith Menegus, OSU, BCC, ThM, Director of Pastoral Care, St. Charles Hospital & St. Catherine of Siena Hospital; Rabbi Deborah Miller, BCC, Chaplain at Northwell Health; Reverend Mark Bigelow, Pastor, Congregational Church of Huntington (in-person)

2F. *Why Trauma Matters in End-of-Life Care: A Practical Approach - Jade Johnson, LCSW, MJHS Hospice and Palliative Care, Karen Telman, LCSW, MJHS Hospice and Palliative Care, Kathleen Ringel, LMSW, MJHS Hospice and Palliative Care & Fordham University Adjunct Professor (in-person)

2G. *Caring for the Whole Person: The Importance of Social Determinants of Health in Community Based Palliative Care Supportive Services - Lori Hardoon, LCSW, Senior Director, JASA Palliative Care Supportive Services and Maria Lever LMSW, Clinical Supervisor JASA Palliative Care Supportive Services (in-person)

2H. *Lynda Cooper Mentoring Session for Those New to Palliative Care - Sue Degnan, LMSW, OSW-C, ACHP-SW and Joyce Palmieri, MS, RN, CHPN , FPCN , Senior Vice President of Clinical Services, MJHS Hospice and Palliative Care (in-person)

2I. *Current Issues Affecting Veteran’s Health at End-of-Life - Ashton Stewart, Veteran Program Manager, MJHS Health System (in-person) and (virtual) 

2J. *Cultivating Happiness: How To Enhance Joy in Your Life- Paula Pagan, LCSW-R, Long Island Elder Care (in-person) and (virtual) 

2K. *Ripples of Grief: Music Psychotherapy from First Moments to Last - Lauren Fagan-Antonelli, MS, LCAT, MT-BC and Lillie Klein, MS, LCAT, MT-BC, Molloy University (in-person) and (virtual) 

* These session are approved for SW CE credit

Closing Session: 2:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. 
Panel Discussion: Ethics and the Multidisciplinary Team in Palliative Care -
Moderator: Renee McLeod-Sordjan, DNP, PhD, CENP, FNAP, FNYAM, FAME, FAAN, Director, Division of Medical Ethics, Department of Medicine, Northwell Health System and NuHealth, Chair, Northwell Health System Ethics Review Committee, Associate Professor, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, Co-Course Director, Hofstra University Bioethics Center

Panelists: Dr. Cristian Zanartu Physician, JASA Palliative Care Supportive Services; Rabbi Deborah Miller,  BCC, Chaplain at Northwell Health Christine Gallo , LCSW, GC-C, YTT, Palliative Medicine, PBMC-Northwell Health, Ciara Firello, BSN, RN, CHPN, Director of Patient Services, Good Shepherd Hospice

* This session is approved for SW CE credit


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