Sexual Misconduct

Molloy University prohibits all forms of sex discrimination, including sexual misconduct, sexual assault, sexual coercion, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. If you have been the victim or you know someone who has been the victim of sex discrimination, including sexual misconduct, sexual assault, sexual coercion, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking, you may contact the Title IX Coordinator, the Deputy Coordinators or the U.S. Department of Education’s Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, or both, listed below.
Lisa Miller
Assistant Vice President for Human Resources and Title IX Coordinator
Molloy University
1000 Hempstead Avenue
Kellenberg Hall, Room 011
Rockville Centre, NY 11571
Telephone: 516-323-3046
Employee Leave and Title IX Specialist
1000 Hempstead Avenue
Kellenberg Hall, Room 011
Rockville Centre, NY 11571
Telephone: 516-323-3047
Michael Grasso
Associate AD for Compliance and Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Molloy University
1000 Hempstead Avenue
Wilbur Arts Center, Room 025
Rockville Centre, NY 11571
Telephone: 516-323-3602
Karl Koeppel
Dean of Students and Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Molloy University
1000 Hempstead Avenue
Public Square, Room 371
Rockville Centre, NY 11571
Telephone: 516-323-3455
Director of Career Services and Deputy Coordinator
1000 Hempstead Avenue
Public Square, Room 320
Rockville Centre, NY 11571
Telephone: 516-323-3469
U.S. Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
400 Maryland Avenue, SW Molloy University
Washington, D.C. 20202-1100
Telephone: (800) 421-3481
TDD: (800) 877-8339

Title IX
Title IX states "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under an educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance".
Sexual Misconduct
Molloy is committed to a learning, working, and living environment where all members of the community feel safe and respected. Acts of sexual harassment are serious violations of our policies and our values. Any form of sexual misconduct will not be tolerated. Our policy aims to ensure that all members of the Molloy community can study and work together without being subjected to sexually inappropriate behavior. You may read the Molloy University's employee sexual misconduct policy here.
Affirmative Action Policy Statement
Affirmative Action is designed to ameliorate the present effects of prior discrimination as a result of which certain groups are under-represented in the College's working community. Under representation is an imbalance between those in the labor force who possess the relevant qualifications and their representation within the specific job category in the College. Read the full affirmative action policy.
Americans with Disabilities Act
The College is committed to compliance with all provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991 and to ensure the fair treatment and consideration of persons with disabilities in all areas of employment. Read the complete policy here.
Anti-Hazing Statement
At Molloy University, all clubs, teams, and organizations must abide by the Anti-Hazing Rule, adopted by the Board of Trustees to govern public order on campus and throughout all Molloy properties. Familiarize yourself with the Molloy University anti-hazing policy.
Confidential Reporting
Molloy University is rooted in the Catholic and Dominican tradition places high value on its community, ethical leadership, responsibility, and integrity. As such, we hold ourselves to the high standards set forth in our mission statement, policies, and handbooks.
The University is committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. We want you to feel comfortable in approaching the appropriate university personnel in instances where you believe violations of policies or standards have occurred.
However, in situations where you prefer to place an anonymous report in confidence through an outside party, Molloy has implemented the EthicsPoint program. This comprehensive and confidential reporting tool, administered by a party unaffiliated with Molloy, is intended to assist the University and all members of its community to promote a positive learning and work environment and address violations of any college policies.
The information you provide to EthicsPoint will be shared with the appropriate University personnel, on an anonymous basis, if you should choose. If you choose to make an anonymous report, please know that by not revealing your name, it may hamper the University’s ability to investigate or resolve your complaint. Also be assured that Molloy prohibits retaliation against any individual who in good faith, makes a complaint, voices a concern, or cooperates in an investigation.
The program supplements regular University reporting avenues, and members of the Molloy community are encouraged to use it, whenever necessary. To access the EthicsPoint program, please click on the link below or you can find it on the upper left side of this page (EthicsPoint Confidential Reporting).
Make a Report
After you complete your report, you will be assigned a unique code called a “report key.” Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.
EthicsPoint Confidential Reporting
Additional Resources
If you or someone you know is or may be the victim of any form of sexual misconduct, the University strongly urges you to seek immediate assistance in order to receive appropriate medical care and emotional support. Assistance is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from:
Local Police and Emergency Assistance - Call 911
Local hospitals – Call 911 or Campus Security to obtain contact information
RAINN (National Sexual Assault Hotline):
Call: (800) 656-4673
Safe Center L.I. - 24/7 Domestic/Dating Violence and Sexual Assault Hotline
Call: (516) 542-0404
Safe Horizon Rape and Sexual Assault Hotline:
Call: (212) 227-3000
Safe Horizon Domestic Violence Hotline:
Call: (800) 621-HOPE (4673)
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program Overview at North Shore University Hospital
New York State Office of Victim Services:
Call: (800) 247-8035
TTY: (888) 289-9747
Mercy Medical Center
1000 N Village Ave, Rockville Centre, NY 11570
Call: (516) 705-2525
Additional Confidential Hotlines:
National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (dedicated to LGBTQ individuals) Call/Text: (212) 714-1141
New York State Domestic Violence Hotline
Call: (800) 942-6906
Text: (844) 997-2121
Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence
Call: (617) 338-2355
Circulo de la Hispanidad, Inc – Project SALVA 24/7 Bilingual Domestic Violence Hotline Call: (516) 889-2849
Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project – 24/7 Hotline
Call: (800) 832-1901
Nassau County – Crime Victims Advocate Center
Call: (516) 571-4967
Suffolk County – Crime Victims Center
Call: (631) 689-2672 or 24/Hour Line (631) 332-9234
Victim Information Bureau of Suffolk (VIBS) Rape 24/Hour Confidential Hotline Call: (631) 360-3606