Student Complaint Procedure

Complaint Procedures
Any individual who believes that Molloy University has acted contrary to its published standards or believes that conditions at the institution appear to jeopardize the quality of the institution's instructional programs or the general welfare of its students, may file a complaint. Complainants may seek advice about procedures from the Vice President for Academic Affairs or from the Associate Dean for Academic Services or from the Office of Student Affairs. The process is also in the current Student Handbook.
Report a possible academic integrity violation.
Informal Procedure
All concerned students should make every effort to resolve the matter through informal consultation with involved individuals first. Should this fail to resolve the issue, the complainant may meet with the individual's immediate supervisor. If the problem is unable to be resolved at either of these levels, the formal procedure can be initiated.
Formal Procedure
The formal procedure to be followed for students are either the Due Process Procedure for Student Discipline in Non-Academic Areas or the Due Process Procedure for Student Discipline in Academic Areas or the Grade Appeal Policy, as stated in the Student Handbook.
Overview of How SARA Impacts Out-of-State Distance Education Students with Respect to Consumer Protection Complaints
Provisions of the SARA Policy Manual, including those for consumer protection and the resolution of complaints, apply to interstate distance education offered by participating SARA institutions to students in other SARA states. Only those complaints resulting from distance education courses, activities, and operations provided by SARA-participating institutions to students in other SARA states come under the coverage of SARA. Complaints about a SARA institution’s in-state operations are to be resolved under the state’s normal provisions, not those of SARA.
NC – SARA Student Complaints Procedure
Molloy University operates under the approval of “NC-SARA”, National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. As required by the NC-SARA student complaint process, a student must first attempt to resolve their complaint at the institutional level. For complaints not resolved within the institution, a student may file an appeal in one of the following ways (dependent on their state residence):
New York Residents’ Student Complaint Procedure
For New York residents, complaints not resolved at the institutional level may be filed utilizing the New York State Education Department.
Non-New York Residents’ Student Complaint Procedure (for out-of-state students from SARA member states not residing in New York):
For non-New York residents located in SARA member states with complaints not resolved at the institutional level, they may contact the New York SARA State Portal Agency.
NC-SARA State Portal Contact
Supervisor of Higher Education Programs
New York State Education Department
89 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12234
Complaint Process for Online Students in California
If you are enrolled as an online student residing in California–which is not a member of NC-SARA–and you have a complaint that cannot be resolved through Molloy’s internal complaint process, you may file a complaint with the California Department of Consumer Affairs (CADCA). CADCA will evaluate California resident student complaints, identify the appropriate accrediting agency or governmental entity to handle the complaint, and request a response from the entity regarding the final disposition of the complaint. The address and contact information for CADCA are:
California Department of Consumer Affairs
Consumer Information Center
1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N-112
Sacramento, CA 95834
Phone: (833) 942-1120
File a complaint with CDCA