Course Design and Development

The Office of Blended & Online Learning offers faculty individual and group support for designing quality web-enhanced, hybrid, and online courses. We provide a variety of professional development courses, workshops, and webinars.
Explore our faculty development offerings to learn more about our wide variety of courses, webinars, and instructional design consultations.
Explore our tools and resources page for more information about Molloy-supported technology and where to find assistance integrating technology into your course designs.
Schedule a consultation with one of our instructional designers to help you design your course in Canvas. Please e-mail us at to schedule an individual consultation.
Faculty Checklist
The hybrid and online teaching checklist is based on the Blended Learning Delivery Policy and Process at Molloy. This policy can be found in Appendix XIII B of the Faculty Handbook.
1. Attend Canvas training.
Attend a Canvas workshop, hosted by Technology Learning Services (TLS). Contact them at
2. Earn TLC: Teach, Learn, Course Design Online Certificate of Completion.
Complete this step prior to teaching your first hybrid/online course. TLC is offered by the Office of Blended and Online Learning. Email to learn more.
3. Enroll in relevant instructional technology workshops to update your skills.
To learn more about integrating instructional technology tools in your course, enroll in available workshops offered by the Faculty Professional Center.
4. Contact department chair or associate dean for department-specific sections of your syllabi (course outlines).
It is important to reach out to your chairperson or associate dean, as policies can vary among departments.
5. Add online-specific sections to your syllabi (course outlines).
Examples include sections related to online communication procedures, technology requirements, and netiquette guidelines for students. Reach out to the Office of Blended and Online Learning at for recommended text.
6. Develop a fully populated Canvas course site.
Canvas courses should include varied formative and summative assessment opportunities while using the Canvas Gradebook. The Office of Blended and Online Learning can assist with importing and easy-to-use, accessible course design model to get you started. Reach us at or import the Molloy Course Design Model from Canvas Commons.
7. Establish varied online engagement opportunities.
For example, include recorded lectures, graded discussions, peer reviews, presentations, links to articles, videos, etc.
8. Publish Canvas course site by first day of classes.
Best practice tip: Publish course site one week before classes begin. Note: If a Canvas course is not published, then Announcements will not be delivered to your students.
9. Respond to student questions in a timely manner.
Ordinarily, faculty will respond to student inquiries within 36 hours.
10. Review Faculty Evaluations.
Using the existing assessment process, faculty teaching hybrid and online must be evaluated by the associate dean/chair. Refer to the Molloy Faculty Handbook. The revised form and process was approved in 2018.