Faculty Development Offerings

Cupola atop a building on the Molloy University campus

The Office of Blended & Online Learning offers a wide range of opportunities related to supporting faculty in designing their courses. These offerings include workshops & webinars scheduled through the Faculty Professional Center, as well as 1 and 2 week online asynchronous professional development courses. All of our faculty development offerings address diversity, equity, and inclusion. For more information about any of our offerings, please contact us at CourseDesign@molloy.edu

Professional Development Courses

The following are courses that the Office of Blended and Online Learning offers regularly throughout the year to develop faculty's online course design skills and application. View the BOL LibCal calendar for more information, specific dates, and registration.

Prior to enrolling in any course, it is highly recommended that faculty are proficient at using Canvas. For Canvas and technology tool training, please contact Technology Learning Services at tls@molloy.edu.

Workshops and Webinars

Our workshops cover a wide variety of subjects to provide faculty with knowledge, skills, and confidence to teach online or hybrid courses. The objectives of our workshops generally focus on: 

  • Applying and troubleshooting technology tools
  • Increasing student engagement in online courses
  • Improving accessibility of course content

Register on the Faculty Professional Center LibCal

For more information about our professional development offerings (including recordings of past workshops), visit the Faculty Development page of our BOL LibGuide