School Nursing

“School nursing, a specialized practice of nursing, protects and promotes student health, facilitates optimal development, and advances academic success. School nurses, grounded in ethical and evidence-based practice, are the leaders who bridge health care and education, provide care coordination, advocate for quality student-centered care, and collaborate to design systems that allow individuals and communities to develop their full potential.” Adopted by the NASN Board of Directors February
Take a look at our newly revised course offerings
Molloy University offers four (4) different courses in its School Nursing series:
- Introduction to School Nursing
- School Nurse Emergency Care Course
- Care of the Student with Diabetes
- School Nurse: A Daily Approach What Does a Scool Nurse do All Day?
Scroll down for the course descriptions and schedule information for each of the courses. Click here for the schedule of classes of all the courses in this area. Questions: please call 516.323.3550 or email:
Online registration is available by clicking here. Phone in registration is available by calling 516-323-3550 with your MasterCard, Discover or Visa. To register in person, by fax or mail, please follow the directions on our web page,
All course are held online in real time via Zoom.
An in-depth training course designed to educate the school nurse about emergency Techniques for children and youths who are injured or become ill at school. The participant will learn to use prioritized assessment skills, provide nursing interventions that conform to EMS-C protocols and develop specific strategies for students with special health care needs. (student manual provided)
Tuition: $320
Click here for the schedule of classes of all the courses in this area
Online registration is available by clicking here. Phone in registration is available by calling 516-323-3550 with your MasterCard, Discover or Visa. To register in person, by fax or mail, please follow the directions on our web page,
The school nurse has a crucial role in the seamless provision of comprehensive health services to children and youth. Increasing numbers of students enter schools with chronic health conditions that require management during the school day
This 9 hr. remote course will offer healthcare professionals the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills in nursing care to school aged children in a school setting.
Topic include: Current role of School Nurse, types of schooling nursing careers, admission exams, immunization & staff instruction on administering epi pens & glucagon.
The field training option is currently not available to students. When this option becomes available, participation in field training will be arranged by instructor. Application, physical exam, and blood titres would be required for field training.
Tuition: $ 200
Click here for the schedule of classes of all the courses in this area
Online registration is available by clicking here. Phone in registration is available by calling 516-323-3550 with your MasterCard, Discover or Visa. To register in person, by fax or mail, please follow the directions on our web page,
This 6 hr. online course will be multifaceted: up to date pathophysiology of Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes, multiple treatment options for today's diabetic student including insulin pump therapy, and IHP documentation. You will learn the universal "windows" on all insulin pumps. Emphasis is on the didactics and "hands on" of current equipment in use and their management.
Tuition: $160
Click here for the schedule of classes of all the courses in this area
Online registration is available by clicking here. Phone in registration is available by calling 516-323-3550 with your MasterCard, Discover or Visa. To register in person, by fax or mail, please follow the directions on our web page,
This 9 hr. online course combines will include assessment, identification, management, and referral for students. An overview of skin lesions, rashes (contagious/non-contagious) is also included in addition to learning vision, hearing and scoliosis screenings. In addition discussions and sample individualized Healthcare plans on allergies, asthma and seizures.
Tuition: $180
Click here for the schedule of classes of all the courses in this area
Online registration is available by clicking here. Phone in registration is available by calling 516-323-3550 with your MasterCard, Discover or Visa. To register in person, by fax or mail, please follow the directions on our web page,