Electronic Fetal Monitoring Exam Review

Course Number: NU0300
Tuition: $150
Course Description: This online course through Zoom, focuses on areas of knowledge that may be seen on a Fetal Monitoring Certification examination. Content will include fetal heart monitoring (FHM) pattern recognition and interpretation using NICHD definitions; review of the physiology of maternal fetal oxygenation and other factors impacting on the neuromodulation of fetal heart rate, complications of labor and the potential effects on FHM data; review interventions and management targeted to the physiology of FHR patterns. Content will be applied in the context of case studies. Adjunct fetal assessment, legal aspects of FHM and equipment troubleshooting will be reviewed.
Recommended Workbooks: Mosby's® Pocket Guide to Fetal Monitoring: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Nursing Pocket Guides) 9th Edition by Lisa A. Miller CNM JD, David Miller, Rebecca L. Cypher Click here to purchase.Required text: Fetal Heart Monitoring Principles and Practices 6th Edition by AWHONN, Link- https://my.awhonn.org/productdetails?id=a1B3t000006fQhTEAU
Click here for the schedule of classes. (please note: only the upcoming schedule of course will be posted. Courses that have already taken place or are in progress will not appear)
RegistrationClick here to register online. You can pay by Mastercard, Discover, Visa, There will be a fee of 2.75% for domestic cards and 4.25% for international cards. You can avoid this credit card fee by paying by ACH check only online.
Phone in registration is available by calling 516-323-3550 with your MasterCard, Discover or Visa. Above mentioned fees will apply.
Students should register for classes at least one week prior to the start of classes to insure enough time for you to get your confirmation and Zoom link information. However, you can register up until the day of class. Please note that some of our classes do close out and some of our classes do cancel.
Confirmation of your registration will be emailed to you upon receipt of your registration. ZOOM link will be sent prior to start date of class.
Questions: call 516.323.3550 or email:kweiner1@molloy.edu