Tuition Policies and Procedures

Tuition Policies and Procedures
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that Molloy University has their correct mailing address at all times. Failure to receive a student statement of account will not exempt you from your responsibility to pay on the assigned due date nor will it exempt you from late penalties, neither from the Molloy collection policy and procedure or from having an accounts receivable "hold."
Students are responsible for payment of all financial obligations. This includes all costs associated with the collection of this debt, which, on a past due account, may include collection fees, court costs and legal fees.
For more information, please see the expenses/refunds section of the catalog.
Withdrawals Affecting Tuition
Full Term refers to courses that start on the published beginning date of a term (Fall, Spring, Summer) and ends on the published end date of the term. A Full Term is usually 12-15 weeks long.
Sub Term (a term within a term) refers to courses that have varying start and end dates within a Full Term. Sub Terms can vary in length from one week to 7 weeks.
When a student withdraws from any course(s), refunds will be granted for tuition. Refund eligibility will be calculated using the last date of attendance as reported by the professor(s)
Regarding unofficial withdrawals (students who stop attending classes and do not notify the Registrar) refunds will be granted for tuition. Refund eligibility will be calculated using the last date of attendance as reported by the professor(s).
All fees are non-refundable unless the course(s) are dropped within the first week of the start date of the semester or term as noted in the academic calendar. Confirmation deposits are non-refundable.
Refunds for housing will be prorated based on number of days in residence.
Full Term Refund Policy Schedule
Full Term Due Molloy Refund Before the beginning of the semester 0% 100% Within the first week 0%* 100% Within the second week 25% 75% Within the third week 50% 50% After the third week 100% No Refund
Sub Term Refund Policy Schedule7 Week Sub Terms Due Molloy Refund Before the start date of the course 0% 100% Within the first week after the start date of the course 0% 100% Within the second week after the start date of the course 50% 50% After the second week 100% No Refund 4 Weeks and longer but less than 7 Weeks Sub Terms Due Molloy Refund Before the start date of the course 0% 100% Within the first week after the start date of the course 0% 100% After the first week 100% No Refund 3 Weeks or less Sub Terms Due Molloy Refund Before the start date of the course 0% 100% On the start date of the course 0% 100% After the first date of the course 100% No Refund The above refund policy is based on 100% payment. If a student on the deferred payment plan withdraws owing a part payment, the student is responsible for the balance due up to the time of withdrawal. Special fees are not refundable.
Any student who withdraws from any course or courses and is eligible for the Title IV assistance (Loans - PELL - SEOG) may have their aid adjusted according to the percentage of aid earned at the time of withdrawal. See the financial aid office for clarification of eligibility. The date the withdrawal is recorded will be used to determine refunds.
In the case of withdrawals submitted by mail, the official postmarked date of the correspondence will be the effective date. The University reserves the right to change the tuition, room/board and fees whenever the proper authorities deem such change is necessary. Special fees may be announced for special courses, as need arises. Students are liable for all fees in the collection of delinquent accounts and all applicable late fees.Note: Deadline dates for specific semesters are listed in the "Registration Guides" and in the "Summer and intersession announcements".
Winter & Summer Sessions Procedure
Molloy University offers courses during the winter intersession and summer sessions. Full payment of tuition and all fees are due by the stated payment due date in the academic calendar.
Note: Summer & Winter Intersession courses not paid by the publicized due date will result in deregistration for non-payment. Students who have been deregistered for non-payment will not be permitted back into the course/s until they make full payment with the Bursar Office, granted if there is room in the course/s to be re-enrolled.
Payment may be made by any of the payment methods or by an actual credit balance on the student statement of account. Financial aid not approved for these semesters cannot be taken into consideration.
For cost and refund policy, refer to the online catalog. Financial aid may be available for summer sessions.
Combined/Dual Degree Programs
For detailed information, please click on the links listed below:
Guidelines for Billing of Combined Degree Education Programs
Early Registration
The following criteria must be met in order for you to qualify for early registration:
- Your statement of account must have a zero balance
- All your financial obligations must be met either through personal payment, timely and accurate payments through the monthly budget plan or by the completion of all financial aid
- Financial aid money not disbursed to the student statement of account will not be taken into consideration
Please be aware that unfulfilled obligations to other student offices may exclude you from early registration.
Always refer to the Molloy University online catalog and course offering to confirm the dates and times for early registration.
Residence Students – Clear to Move In Policy
Before being permitted to move into a residence hall, students must be cleared by the Office of the Bursar.
A student is cleared when the entire financial liability including tuition, all fees, housing, and meal plan charges are covered by any or all of the following:
- Federal financial aid
- New York State Aid (including TAP)
- Institutional aid
- Federal student loans
- Federal parent loans
- Private student loans
- Transact Payment Plan
- Outside scholarships
In order for these items to be considered as payment toward your bill, the Office of Financial Aid must indicate that you have completed all mandatory requirements. This includes but is not limited to:
- Completing the FAFSA and
- Completing the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) application
- Submitting and completing all necessary documents
- These must also be reviewed and approved by the Financial Aid Office
- Applying for and being approved for private student loans.
- These must also be reviewed and certified by the Financial Aid Office.
- Transact Payment Plans must be established and cover the full remaining balance of the bill (after deducting other sources of payment)
- Students must be up to date with all monthly installments.
- Any outside sources of payment must have validating paperwork submitted to the Office of the Bursar for review and approval.
Other departments such as Student Health Services may have other requirements that must be met before a student is cleared to move into a Residence Hall.
Tuition Credit Appeal Process
If a student believes there are extenuating circumstances that would justify an exception to the tuition refund policy, that student may appeal to the Tuition Credit Appeal Committee.
•All appeals are required to be received by the end of the semester following the term in which the course was offered.
•All requests must be submitted in writing to the Tuition Credit Appeal Committee and must include supporting documentation (e.g., copies of registration form, drop/add forms, medical verification) and the Tuition Credit Appeal Committee Form.
•Incomplete appeal requests will not be reviewed.
•Appeals must be submitted by the student only. Appeals made “on behalf of” a student will not be reviewed.
•The Tuition Credit Appeal Committee does not take phone calls or schedule appointments with students.
•All Committee decisions are final.
•If appeal is approved, any credits to the student account are not refundable. The credit will remain on the account for one year to be used toward subsequent charges. If not utilized after five years, the credit will be forfeited.
Criteria for Appeal
•Personal Emergencies including medical incapacitation, death in the student’s immediate family (parent, sibling, offspring, spouse), death of student. Next of kin may file and appeal for a deceased student.
•Military Duty – orders must accompany appeal.
Tuition Credit Appeal Process Fillable Form
Form Updated 5/17/2023 -
Auditing Classes
Audit Courses:
Enrolled undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral matriculated students may sign-up to audit courses during Early Registration for the Fall and Spring semesters. Audit requests for closed classes, if permitted, will need the approval of the Program Director or School Dean.
Undergraduate Students:
Full-time undergraduate students taking 12 or more credits in the Fall or Spring semesters may audit a maximum of 6 credits free of additional tuition charges. Any course fees are collected for audited courses.
Part-time undergraduate students taking less than a full-time load may audit a maximum of 3 credits free of additional charges. Any course fees are collected for audited courses.
Graduate Students:
Graduate students will be permitted to audit courses within their matriculated discipline on a space-available basis and with permission of the Dean and Director of the Graduate Program. Students must hold a bachelor’s degree to be permitted to audit.
Full-time graduate students taking 9 credits or more may audit a maximum of 6 credits free of additional tuition charges. Any course fees are collected for audited courses.
Part-time graduate students taking less than a full-time load may audit a maximum of 3 credits free of additional tuition charges. Any course fees are collected for audited courses.
Doctoral Students:
Doctoral students will be permitted to audit courses in Molloy University graduate and doctoral programs on a space-available basis and with permission of the Director of the respective graduate or doctoral program. This option is available for students who wish to audit a course to enhance their knowledge in a particular area, including in other disciplines.
Doctoral students registered for 6 credits or more may audit a maximum of 6 credits free of additional tuition charges. Any course fees are collected for audited courses.
Doctoral students registered for fewer than 6 credits may audit one course to the maximum of 3 credits free of additional tuition charges. Any course fees are collected for audited courses.
Doctoral students on a leave of absence may audit one course for a maximum of 3 credits per semester free of additional tuition charges. Any course fees are collected for audit courses. This policy is designed to support students who failed the comprehensive exam and need support to prepare to retake the exam.
Non-matriculated Students:
Undergraduate and graduate non-matriculated students may audit a maximum of 3 credits and will pay one half of the undergraduate or graduate tuition plus the enrollment fee and any course fee.
All students (matriculated or non-matriculated) who are auditing in Intersession or Summer terms without taking a course for credit will pay one half the tuition and all appropriate fees including any course fees.
Auditor Policies for Special Programs:
Auditors in special programs will be able to sign up to audit after the term begins on the designated date at the end of Add/Drop Late Registration Period on a space-available basis. (See Academic Calendar for dates and use Course Search on Lion’s Den to check for open courses.)
ALUMNI LIFETIME SCHOLARSHIPS: Graduation for Molloy students is truly a commencement. Former students with Molloy degrees and no longer pursuing a program of study as matriculated students may return as nondegree auditors as often as they choose on a space-available basis, to audit courses at the level in which the degree was awarded. With the payment of the enrollment fee and the course fees, alumni are forever welcome at Molloy. Growth, recreation, and enhancement of the person are lifelong endeavors, totally congruous with Molloy’s “Lifetime Scholarships.” Courses that have been audited will be recorded and listed on the student’s transcript as part of the academic record. Registration will be on a space-available basis after the term begins and after add/drop is over for the continuing students. At no time will credit be granted for audited courses. Auditing is not allowed in professional courses, such as those involving fieldwork or clinicals or internships, capstones, or other courses where it is not appropriate. See Registrar for more information.
PRIME auditors (62 years and older) pay the set fee per course and any course fees. See the “Special Fees” area in the “Expenses” section.
Auditing Policy Information:
Auditing Hybrid and Online Courses at Molloy: The decision as to whether a student can audit a hybrid or online course resides with the instructor of the course due to the emphasis on participation, regular and substantive interactions, and online classroom management.
Molloy students required by the university to audit as a condition for gaining competency needed for graduation will adhere to university policies. Courses listed as “audit” do not meet professional licensing standards.
Business Program students directed to audit courses should review the Business Division Program information in the catalog or contact the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Business with any questions. These students have extra participation conditions upon them for audited courses. Students may be required to take a proficiency exam to progress.
Overloads for students taking courses for credit and auditing for more than 18 credits will need to have an approval signature to exceed 18 credits by Associate Dean for Academic Services.
Registration for auditing must include notice to the Registrar’s Office of auditing to assure that the billing and student record are handled correctly. The Registrar’s Office can assist with further information on restrictions.
Cancellation of auditor registration may be necessary should the university need seats for matriculated students.
Courses not open to auditors are: Allied Health, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Education, Nursing, Speech-Language Pathology, Music Therapy, Social Work, Theatre, and the Honors Program. Doctoral and Graduate level courses are not open to undergraduate auditors. Auditing a course is not allowed for internships, laboratory courses, clinicals, or field experience courses for insurance, safety, and curricular reasons. Auditors wishing to audit online courses must wait until after the term begins on the designated date at the end of the Add/Drop Late Registration Period. Registration is on a space-available basis to request these courses.
Office of the Bursar
Student Financial Services
Wilbur Arts Center
1000 Hempstead Avenue
Wilbur Arts Center, Room Q234