Master of Science in Nursing Education

Prepare for current and future roles in academic and clinical nursing education
The Master of Science in Nursing Education, offered in distance learning format, is designed for bachelor’s prepared Registered Nurses to advance their education. The curriculum addresses the knowledge necessary to prepare students for current and future roles in academic and clinical nursing education. It aligns with accreditation standards, regulatory requirements and includes a variety of learning strategies to enable the student to achieve competence in teaching, patient care, nursing knowledge, leadership development, patient advocacy, and inter-professional collaboration.
The program provides the content needed for the nurse educator to function effectively in the role and includes adult learning theories, instructional methods, curriculum development, and educational assessment and evaluation. The use of technology helps prepare the nurse educator for the innovations and challenges in nursing education. A teaching practicum, arranged in the geographic area where the student resides, is included in the final course to provide opportunities for experiential learning.
Learn more about our Masters in Nursing Education program!
Required Courses
Core Courses - 9 Credits
- NUR 5051 Theoretical Applications in Transformative Leadership – 3 credits
- NUR 5052 Reflective Practice and Advocacy – 3 credits
- NUR 5053 Research and Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing – 3 credits
NE Program Courses – 18 Credits
- NUR 5054 Education Theory and Methods for Nursing Education – 3 credits
- NUR 5055 Advances in Pathopharmacology – 3 credits
- NUR 5056 Advanced Physical Assessment and Specialty Practicum for Nurse Educators – 3 credits
- NUR 5057 Curriculum Design – 3 credits
- NUR 5058 Education Assessment and Evaluation – 3 credits
- NUR 5059 Synthesis of Education and Nursing Practice – 3 credits
Elective Courses - 6 Credits Required
Total Credits – 33
Catalog Course Descriptions
For more information and course descriptions visit our Graduate Course Catalog.
Nursing Education - M.S.