Music (Bachelor of Science)

Cupola atop a building on the Molloy University campus

Music (Bachelor of Science)

The Bachelor of Science in Music allows students to develop their artistic voice through a flexible curriculum that combines musicianship and creativity with a rich liberal arts education. Our program is individualized, allowing students to develop a plan of studies that fulfills interdisciplinary academic and musical interests. Students create their own academic path in consultation with their advisor.

Molloy University is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM).

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

  • Be proficient in reading, writing, and realizing musical notation. Students engage and recognize notational practices from a range of eras and styles. Students are proficient in creating original scores with computer notation software.
  • Understand musical processes, aesthetic properties of styles, and the way cultural and social forces shape and are shaped by musical practice.
  • Be cultivated musicians, well-acquainted with musical literature from diverse cultures, periods, and aesthetic currents.
  • Engage critically with music through writing, developing original ideas and defending musical judgments.
  • Be proficient performers in their primary instrument or voice in a variety of ensemble settings.
  • Be proficient with the creative process of making music through composition or improvisation.

Program Features

Molloy University’s Music program features specific course content and opportunities that will prepare you to enter the music industry and a wide variety of other professional settings.

  • Music

    Music course content promotes the development of foundational skills across several areas. These include:

    Applied Lessons on Primary Instrument or Voice

    Performing Ensembles

    Music Theory & Aural Skills

     Music History

    Composition, Orchestration, & Music Technology

  • Foundational Liberal Arts

    What is a life well-lived? Our comprehensive liberal arts education empowers you to discover what human flourishing means to you and your best life. You can acquire important traits of character and essential critical thinking skills through coursework in many engaging disciplines, including:





    History & Culture

    Languages & Literature



  • Chart Your Own Path

    Where will your curiosity lead you? With 17–19 credits of electives and significant curricular overlap of General Education requirements, music majors are free to pursue a variety of interests. These include:

    A second major in an academic discipline within the School of Arts & Sciences

    A minor in another academic discipline

    Pursuing deeper knowledge and skills within a particular musical focus


Career Opportunities

A liberal arts degree in Music from Molloy University will prepare you for a variety of careers. Essential skills acquired through critical and artistic problem solving are valued by several industries. Examples of careers within the music industry include:

  • Freelance musician
  • Sync music producer
  • Music producer
  • Music performer
  • Private school or private studio teacher
  • Music label
  • Music publishing or licensing firm