Remote Auditions
Remote Auditions
Remote auditions for the Master of Science in Music Therapy program may take place in two formats:
1. Entirely Live via synchronous video conferencing (Zoom)
I. Primary Instrument or Vocal Performance
II. Voice, Guitar, and Piano Proficiency
III. Sight Reading
IV. Improvisation with panel member(s)
V. Interview
VI. Post-Audition Essay (prompt provided live, timed submission
2. Combination of pre-recorded videos and live video conferencing (Zoom)
I. Primary Instrument or Vocal Performance [live or pre-recorded video submission]
II. Voice, Guitar, and Piano Proficiency [live or pre-recorded video submission]
III. Sight Reading [live only]
IV. Improvisation with panel member(s) [live only]
V. Interview [live only]
VI. Post-Audition Essay [prompt provided live with timed submission deadline]
Pre-Recorded video footage must be submitted five business days ahead of the scheduled audition to
- Video footage should be uploaded to YouTube.
- Set the link to “Unlisted,” so that only those with a link can view the video.
- If you need assistance with uploading footage, please contact us at and we can send instructions.
Your video footage will only be shared with audition panel members. It will not be shared outside of Molloy University Music faculty.
Required Materials for Remote Auditions
- Computer/Laptop/Tablet/Phone. Video and audio capabilities must be fully functional.
- Headphones with a built-in microphone is strongly recommended for the interview portion of the audition.
Helpful Tips for Remote Auditions
Set up your space for success.
- Place your device where you and the instrument(s) you are playing can be seen and heard.
- Angle your camera so it is possible to see both of your hands on the keyboard and guitar as you play.
- Direct your lighting source toward you or from above. A ceiling light will work, or sit in front of a window or lamp with the camera not facing the window.
- Be aware of your surroundings. Know that faculty will see what is in your background.
- Practice your audition by recording yourself to test your camera angle, lighting, and audio.
Plan Your Performance
Plan for success. Familiarize yourself with audition requirements on the Graduate Music Therapy Audition Information page.