Grants Resources and Toolkit

Grants Resources and Toolkit
Grants Resources for Faculty and Administrators
The grants office provides comprehensive support to the Molloy University community. Faculty and administrators are welcomed to request funding searches targeted to a general investigative field or a specific project idea. In addition, Grants Office searches a wide range of publications announcing daily funding opportunities and directs them to faculty and staff with relevant interest and experience.
Listed below are the major searchable funding opportunity databases available to Molloy University. Investigators may search for funding opportunities directly or request assistance from this office.
Funding Opportunity Databases is the access point for competitive funding opportunities from more than 900 grant programs offered by federal grant-making agencies. The search capabilities that are built into the site makes finding grants faster and researching grants more efficient. By subscribing to the email update service, when new grants matching your specified interests are posted, email notifications are sent to the subscriber - including the title, the agency name and link which can take them right to the grant.
Grants Toolkit
The Grants Toolkit is a resource for faculty and administrators interested in obtaining internal or external project funding for research, capital projects, programs, professional development/training, curriculum, community service, fellowships and scholarships.
The Proposal Development Handbook (PDF) serves as an introductory guide to the policies and procedures that govern interactions with funding organizations. The purpose is to provide general guidance for all phases of sponsored projects - searching for funding sources; proposal submission; negotiation of award documents; grant administration; and award closeout.
Federal Funding Sources
- National Science Foundation
- National Endowment for the Humanities
- National Endowment for the Arts
- U.S. Department of Education
- Agency for Health Care Research & Quality (AHRQ)
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- National Institutes of Health (NIH) For new, career, and NRSA awards
- U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES)
- U.S. Department of Energy
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- National Institute of Justice
Proposal Preparation Tips
- Interacting with Program Officers: The Chronicle of Higher Education "What to Say - and Not Say - to Program Officers"
- Broader Impacts: The Chronicle of Higher Education - Teaching Future Scientists to Talk
- Writing a Data Management Plan: LTER Intranet - How to Write a Data Management Plan for a National Science Foundation (NSF) Proposal
- How to Fail at Grant Writing: The Chronicle of Higher Education - How To Fail in Grant Writing
- Author: Robert H. Porter, Ph. D., Research Division, Virginia Tech: What do Grant Reviewers Really Want, Anyway? (PDF)
- Miner & Associates Proposal Planning and Writing Toolbox
Proposal Preparation: Agency-specific
- A Guide for Proposal Writing from the National Science Foundation
- NIH - Inside the Grant Review Process videos
- General Tips on Writing a Competitive Grant Proposal & Preparing a Budget from the Environmental Protection Agency