Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
How many courses can you take a semester?
You can take up to 4 courses a semester offered during the Fall, Summer or Spring. Each of the courses runs for 7 weeks. One set of courses begins at the beginning of the semester and the second set of courses begins after the first set concludes (about mid-semester).
Do I have to take all the 6 prerequisites once I start these courses?
No, you can take any number of courses from only one to all six courses.
Do I have to take both 7 week courses in a semester to be enrolled?
No, you can enroll in one or both courses during any given semester.
Is there any order or prerequisites for the courses?
No, there is no restrictive order of taking the courses.
Will I get a certificate or a degree if I complete the 6 courses?
No, these courses are stand-alone courses not part of a degree or certificate. They will be listed on an official Molloy University transcript with the grades for the courses if you have completed them.
Do I need to physically be on campus in order to complete any of these courses?
No, the courses are completely online and you do not physically have to be present at Molloy to enroll or successfully complete any of the coursework.
What technological requirements are there to be able to take these courses online?
Please click here to find out about the required technology to be able to take these courses online.
Where will I find technical or online learning support?
Kellenberg Hall Room 022
516.323.4800 (from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.)
The Information Commons
Public Square second floor
Phone: 516.323.4817 (from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.)
Office of Blended/Online Learning and Student Success
Phone: 516.323.4411 (from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.)
With Canvas
Canvas support: HELP feature in the lower left hand corner of the Canvas page
Call Canvas support 844.408.6455 (24 hours 7 days a week)
How much will it cost?
Please look at the Bursar's page for course fees.