Addiction Studies

Please note that courses are still being offered online in real time using Zoom on the same days and times listed in the schedule of classes. Instructions for taking the course online will be sent to you by the instructor before the course begins.
New program!
Certified Recovery Peer Advocate Click here for further information.
Important Change in CASAC/CASAC-T Certification Requirements for New and Current Students
The New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (NYS-OASAS) has changed the requirements for the Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC/CASAC-T) certification as of September 1, 2013. 350 clock hours for the program will be still be required. However, in the past, candidates could take the 350 clock hours with more than one provider or school and could also choose to take electives within each of the four sections of the program. If you are seeking your CASAC certification, you must now take the 350 educational hours with one provider or school, and there are no longer elective courses.
Molloy has been approved to offer the new CASAC 350-Hour Standardized Curriculum and the program has been re-designed so that the courses listed are the courses needed to complete the 350 hours. Courses will no longer be listed under sections.
If you were part of the program prior to the changes and still need to complete hours in a certain section, contact Vanessa Formoso, Assistant Director, Division of Continuing Education & Professional Development at or at 516.323.3557 to schedule an appointment to review your transcript. For clarification, call the Office of Continuing Education at 516.323.3550 or e-mail: or join us at our career seminar held every January, May and September.
Click here for a complete list of upcoming courses scheduled. Please note: not all courses are offered every semester.
Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC) Requirements
To become a CASAC, you must:
- Be at least 18 years of age;
- Have earned at least a High School Diploma or a General Equivalency Diploma (GED); and
- Reside or work in New York State at least 51 percent of the time to be issued a credential.
Upon completion of the 350-Hour program, students will be issued the OASAS CASAC 350-Hour Standardized Certificate of Completion. Students will be required to submit this document to the Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services' (OASAS) Credentialing Unit when submitting your application for your credential. Please note that completion of the 350-hour program does not provide you with CASAC Trainee status. Students must complete and submit the OASAS Credentialing application and required fee ($100) to OASAS' Credentialing Unit staff to achieve this status. Upon receipt of the application, a review will be conducted to determine eligibility for the CASAC Trainee and CASAC Examination.
For more information on the credentialing process and requirements, visit the OASAS webpage at: or contact the Credentialing Unit staff at 1.800.482.9564. Staff are available Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Molloy Program Background
There is a continuing demand in the field of chemical dependency treatment for persons with dedication, compassion, understanding, empathy and patience to provide counseling and other services for individuals whose lives have been affected by alcoholism, substance abuse and related problems. In order to meet this ongoing demand, Molloy College offers courses of study which provide instruction in the competencies, professional activities and ethical principles of alcoholism and substance abuse counseling.
In this program, the student will be exposed to a variety of points of view. Faculty from varying clinical, administrative, academic disciplines and diversified backgrounds teach courses. This is important for the students because they receive well-rounded experiences, and contacts from our faculty in the classroom. You may choose to attend as many evenings or weekends as your time allows. Our schedule is designed to be flexible for the student who has other pressures or responsibilities, such as work, family, etc.
Recredentialing Requirements
Those students who are already CASAC's and must renew their credential with NYS-OASAS must document 60 clock hours (40 hours must be related to addictions). Renewal of your CASAC credential is done every three years. All courses listed may be used for recredentialing purposes.
Social Work Continuing Education Credit
Molloy College, Continuing Education & Professional Development Social Work CPE is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #0110 and a number of course offered in the CASAC program have been approved for Social Work CE credit. If a course is approved for Social Work CPE credit it will have an asterisk next to the title in the list of courses below. It will also be indicated in the course schedule. Click here for a list of all the courses currently scheduled that are approved for Social Work Continuing Education credit, including non-CASAC courses.
Courses Offered
The program consists of 24 courses that vary in length from 3-29 hours and together total 350 hours. The list of courses in the program can be found below.
Click here for a complete list of upcoming courses scheduled.
Please note: Not all courses are offered every semester.
Course | Hr | Tuition |
Basic Knowledge: Physiology, Psychological and Pharmacological Effects | 27 | $445 |
Overview of the Addictions Field | 28 | $460 |
Diversity of Intervention and Treatment Approaches | 14 | $230 |
*Introduction to Diagnostic Criteria | 19 | $300 |
Knowledge of 12 Step and Mutual Aid Groups (self-help groups) | 4 | $65 |
Toxicology Testing/Screening (urinalysis as a therapeutic tool) | 3 | $55 |
*Foundational Counseling Skills of Individual and Group Counseling | 21 | $345 |
*Individual Counseling | 20 | $330 |
*Group Counseling (MAT) | 25 | $410 |
*Counseling Special Populations/Cultural Competency | 25 | $410 |
*Theories of Human Development and the Relationship to Substance Use | 10 | $165 |
*Counseling and Communicating with Families and Significant Others | 18 | $285 |
*Integrated Care | 10 | $165 |
*Crisis Management | 10 | $165 |
Recurrence of Symptoms/Relapse Prevention | 15 | $235 |
*Screening, Assessment, and Evaluation | 24 | $380 |
*Treatment Planning, Client Record Keeping, and Discharge Planning | 24 | $380 |
*Case Management, Referral, and Service Coordination | 15 | $235 |
*Patient, Family, and Community Education and Prevention | 10 | $165 |
*Counselor-Client Relationship | 16 | $250 |
*Ethical Decision Making & Conduct (ethics in the digital age) | 9 | $145 |
*Ethics: Confidentiality/Legal Issues (mandated reporter training) | 9 | $145 |
*Professional Development | 4 | $65 |
*Counselor Wellness | 5 | $80 |
Total | 365 | $5,910 |
* Approved for NY State Social Work CE credit. Please click here for a listing of all the courses currently scheduled that are approved for Social Work Continuing Education credit, including non-CASAC courses.
Course Descriptions, Plan of Study, Schedules and Locations
Courses are offered at night, during the day and on Saturdays. The number of sessions each course meets varies from anywhere to 1 session to 10 sessions, as do the number of hours. Courses are offered throughout the year, including the summer.
Since there are no prerequisites for any of the courses, you may begin your studies at any time and take the courses in any sequence you wish, however, it is suggested that Overview of Chemical Dependency and its Treatment, should be taken first, if possible.
There is no time limit to complete the program and you can take as many or as few courses as you would like to take each semester. The choice is yours! The program can usually be completed in 1-2 years.
Course descriptions can be found by clicking on the schedule links in the preceding paragraph and then clicking on the course title.
Free Career Seminar
Not sure if this career is right for you? Attend our free career seminar. This career seminar is led by experienced professionals who will offer real advice about career and academic paths and talk about both the satisfactions and challenges of their own chosen careers. The seminar is one and a half hours long, given in the evening and are usually offered 2-3 times a year - every January, May and September. There is no charge for the seminar, which is held on our Rockville Centre campus. Click here for a current schedule of classes and to register.
Candidates for the Center for Addiction Studies program must complete an application for admission. Candidates need a minimum of a high school diploma or equivalent to be considered for admission.
No application fee is required. For an application please click here or call the Division of Continuing Education and Professional Development at 516.323.3550. The application is due at time of registration and need only be completed once.
Students should register for classes at least one week prior to the start of classes to insure enough time for you to get your confirmation and parking permit. However, you can register up until the day of class. Please note that some of our classes do close out and some of our classes do cancel, so register as soon as possible.
Online registration is available by clicking here. You will be able to pay for your classes online by ACH check or by MasterCard, Visa or Discover credit card. If you pay by credit card there will be a fee of 2.95% for domestic cards and 4.25% for international cards added to the tuition. You can avoid the credit card fee by paying with a check online.
Phone in registration is available by calling 516.323.3550 with your MasterCard, Visa or Discover credit card. There will be a credit card fee of 2.95% for domestic cards and 4.25% for international cards added to the tuition.
Office hours: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays: 8:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Wednesdays & Fridays: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. as well as on Saturdays: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. when classes are starting.
Summer Hours: Please note that during July and August, the office is closed on Fridays, most evenings (at 5 p.m.) and most Saturdays
To register in person, by fax or mail, please follow the directions on our web page: under Registration.
Confirmation of your registration will be emailed to you upon receipt of your registration. Your Zoom link or classroom assignment will be emailed to you shortly before the start date of you class if it was not included in your confirmation.
Financial Assistance
When planning to attend a continuing education course or program, an important consideration is the cost, which may include tuition, books and travel. With Molloy College, Division of Continuing Education and Professional Studies, various financial assistance options are available to help students afford tuition. Since most Continuing Education courses do not lead to a college degree, they are not eligible for the traditional forms of financial aid, such as TAP and Pell. Some private lenders will help you finance continuing education and certificate programs. Click here to find out about student loans, veterans benefits, re-training for those who are unemployed, employer and union vouchers and vocational services for individuals with disabilities.
Our Guarantee to You
If you take a course, attend each class and do not master the course work, we invite you to re-register for the same course, same level, free of charge. Your registration will be accepted on a space available basis within one year of the course end date. Re-registration in the course is required.
In addition, during the first hour of class the instructor will present an outline of the course, along with the course goals and objectives. If the student does not feel that this course will meet their expectations, then a full refund will be granted if the student presents their refund request on the first business day after the class has met for the first time.
Academic advisement is always available from the Division of Continuing Education. Contact our office at 516.323.3550 to speak with an advisor or to schedule an appointment.
Tuition varies for each course and the tuition rate can be found in the course listings in each section, in the course descriptions or in the schedule of classes. There are no course fees. Payment is due at time of registration; however, purchase orders will also be accepted if you register by mail or by fax.Some forms of financial assistance are available (see below). The tuition for the entire, 350 hour program is approximately $5,900.
Financial Assistance
This program is approved for Veterans Benefits, as well as for Displaced Homemakers and/or Dislocated Workers. Click here for details. Since most continuing education courses do not lead to a college degree, they are not eligible for the traditional forms of financial aid, such as TAP and/or Pell. Some private lenders will help you finance continuing education and certificate programs. For information on discounts, financial aid, veterans benefits and student loans click here or call 516.323.3550.
A certificate will be awarded upon satisfactory completion of each course and at the completion of the program. Course certificates are usually mailed out automatically 1-2 weeks after course grades have been submitted. However, students should contact the Office of Continuing Education at 516.323.3550 or by e-mail at at the completion of the program to have a program certificate issued.
College credits may be awarded for CASAC coursework
Upon completion of 350 clock hours of Alcoholism & Chemical Dependency Counselor Education coursework, the student may be eligible to receive college credit toward two specific degrees with Molloy College (10 college credits towards a Sociology degree and 16 college credits towards an International Peace and Justice Studies degree, a liberal arts degree which is valuable for many careers and job opportunities).
Recredentialing Requirements
Those students who are already CASAC's and must renew their credential with NYS-OASAS must document 40 clock hours of education and training related to alcoholism and substance abuse. Renewal of your CASAC credential is done every three years. All courses listed may be used for recredentialing purposes.
The program is approved by the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, Bureau of Credentialing, Provider Number ED0021. For clarification of exam requirements, categorization of courses, recredentialing requirements, exam schedules and/or to request an application for the CASAC exam please contact the OASAS Credentialing Unit at 1.800.482.9564 or visit them on the web at:
Email List
The most up-to-date scheduling information can be found on the program webpage. We also email monthly reminders of the upcoming schedule if you provide us with an email address. Click here to be added to our email list.
For questions regarding the program, course schedules and/or registration, call 516.323.3550 or e-mail
Office of Continuing Education and Professional Studies
Continuing Education and Professional Studies
1000 Hempstead Avenue Rockville Centre, New York 11571-5002