Certified Recovery Peer Advocate (CRPA)

Peer support services are an important part of the treatment and recovery process. Certified Recovery Peer Advocates (CRPAs) draw from personal experience with substance use, and professional training to provide non-clinical support services as identified in the patient's treatment or recovery plan. CPRAs may also help those in treatment/recovery in the development of recovery plans, effective coping habits, and life skills for navigating recovery. Although peer services emphasize the knowledge and wisdom of lived experience with addiction, peers are encouraged to be extremely calculated in how they share their story or pull from first-hand knowledge to ensure that it benefits program participants.
Job Duties:
The primary function of a Certified Recovery Peer Advocate is facilitating outreach with individuals currently in a program or considering treatment. Utilizing their recovery expertise, professional training and lived experience, peers boost individuals' engagement in treatment and commitment to recovery. CPRAs also connect patients to community-based recovery supports consistent with treatment, recovery, and discharge plans. Certified Peer Recovery Advocates duties may include:
- Non-clinical crisis support, especially after periods of hospitalization or incarceration
- Educating program participants about various modes of recovery
- Accompanying clients to medical appointments
- Raising awareness of existing social and other support services
- Linking participants to formal recovery supports
- Assisting with applying for benefits
Work Environment:
Peers may work in a variety of settings including OASAS outpatient programs under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional. They may also find work in hospital emergency departments and various home and community-based service settings as they become available across the state. Certified peers also provide support in court rooms for individuals working through criminal justice matters, or accompany individuals to doctors' appointments if needed.
Course Schedule and Format:
The course will be offered in the evenings from 6-7:30 p.m. twice a year for 16 weeks in the fall (from September to January and in the spring from February - May. Upon completion, students will have completed a total of 54 hours (46 classroom hours and 8 hours of assignments). The course is offered online in real time using Zoom on the same days and times listed in the schedule of classes. Instructions for taking the course online will be sent to you by the instructor before the course begins.
Certification Requirements:
- Hold a high school diploma or have their GED and pass the International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC-RC) exam;
- Complete 46 hours of required training (advocacy, mentoring and education, recovery and wellness, and ethical responsibility);
- Complete at least 500 hours of related volunteer or work experience; and
- Complete at least 25 hours of supervision by qualified supervisory staff
After completing the 46 hours training in the required domains, you are eligible for a provisional certification (CPRA-P), valid for 2 years while you complete the remaining requirements for full certification.
Upon completion of all required training and related work hours (paid or unpaid, candidates can apply for nonclinical peer positions and upgrade the full Recovery Peer Advocate Certification. To receive full certification, you must submit an application, and register for and pass the Peer Recovery exam. Your certification is valid for 3 years.
The New York Certification Board is the only entity authorized by OASAS to oversee the training and certification of Certified Recovery Peer Advocates in New York State. http://nycertboard.org/
Admission Requirements and Application for Admission:
Students must fill out an application before registering for the CRPA Training Program and must meet the flowing requirements:
Students must have the following courses completed:
- Basic Knowledge: Physiology, Psychological and Pharmacological Effects
- Overview of the Addictions Field
- Diversity of Intervention and Treatment Approaches
- Introduction to Diagnostic Criteria - Knowledge of 12 Step and Mutual Aid Groups (self-help groups)
- Toxicology Testing/Screening (urinalysis as a therapeutic tool) If you do not have the above courses completed, you could register for them on our website: https://www.enrole.com/molloy/jsp/index.jsp?categoryId=EC25D4F0
You must also hold a high school diploma or have your GED.
Please click here to download an Application for Admission.
Career Seminar:
Not sure if this career is right for you? Then attend our free career seminar. The career seminar is led by experienced professionals who will offer real advice about career and academic paths and talk about both the satisfactions and challenges of this career. The seminar will be offered online through Zoom three times a year, in September, May and in January. The seminar is 1.5 hours in length and is offered at no charge. However, you should register at least one week in advance to assure yourself of a seat. The next free session will be held on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Click here to register.
Fall 2022 Schedule of Classes (online- live through Zoom)
Tuesdays, September 20 - January 17 (no class 12/20 & 12/27), 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
$690. There are no application or registration fees. Tuition is due at the time of registration.
Once you have been accepted into the program you will be given information on how to register.
For Further Information:
Please click on the following link from NY State for further information on how to become a Certified Recovery Peer Advocate: https://oasas.ny.gov/recovery/become-certified-recovery-peer-advocate
For more information on Molloy's program, please contact Vanessa Podesta at vformoso@molloy.edu or 516.323.3557.