English as a Second Language

The English as a Second Language (ESL) program at Molloy offers a number of levels of ESL training from beginning levels to more advanced. All new students are required to take a placement exam prior to registration to determine the appropriate level they should register for. There is no fee for this exam.
¿Habla usted español? Por favor, póngase en contacto con 516.323.3557, de lunes al viernes, entre las 9 y 5. Para ver la información en esta página en español, haga clic aquí. Haga clic aquí para el horario de clases.
Placement Exam
New Students: The ESL Placement Exam is conducted at our Information and Registration Sessions every January, May and September. For the Information and Registration Session dates and to register, click here or call 516.323.3550. To arrange to take the exam during office hours, call our office at 516.323.3550.
Continuing Students: Registration is available for those students who have studied ESL at Molloy College in the past. Please see the Registration section at the bottom of this page for details.
Click here for a schedule of classes.
Course Descriptions and Scheduling
Everyday ENGLISH - Introduction to ESL
This course is for those students who have little or no knowledge of the English language and need to improve their literacy level. This course emphasizes listening comprehension and speaking through instruction in the sounds of English intonation patterns and techniques of conversation. Communicative competence is expanded with an emphasis on writing styles and critical reading skills. No prerequisite. This course is generally offered in the evenings from 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. and/or on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. - Noon starting in September.
Instructor: Mihaela Hodovanu
Course Number: ES-0100 Tuition: $200
Click here for the current schedule of classes.
The goal of this course is to help students improve their listening skills; diversify the kinds of strategies they use for lecture comprehension and to develop effective note-taking strategies. This course offers a review of the English systems of consonant sounds, vowel sounds, and stress, rhythm, and intonation. Students also have the opportunity to work on their ability to organize and present material in a formal speaking format. This course can be taken for undergraduate credit (ESL-125). Please contact the Office of Admissions at 516.323.3570 for details. This course is generally offered in the evenings from 5 p.m. - 6:25 p.m. starting in September.
Instructor: TBD
Course Number: ES-0125 Tuition: $200
Click here for the current schedule of classes.
This course is designed for students who need to perfect their listening skills. Instruction focuses on: subject matter comprehension, paralinguistic cues in academic interactions, cross cultural differences and discourse and organization of lectures. It also provides refinement of spoken English. The emphasis is on speech production, speech performance and sound/spelling correspondences and discriminating listening skills. This course can be taken for undergraduate credit (ESL-145). Please contact the Office of Admissions at 516-323-4000 for details. This course is generally offered in the evenings from 5 p.m. - 6:25 p.m. starting in September and January.
Instructor: TBD
Course Number: ES-0145 Tuition: $200
Click here for the current schedule of classes.
This course will help students improve their listening and speaking skills. Students will learn to communicate more effectively in daily situations. Students will discuss interested topic in small discussion groups with fellow classmates. Students will speak only English during class. This course is generally offered in the evenings from 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. and/or on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. - Noon starting in September.
Instructor: Mihaela Hodovanu
Course Number: ES-0220 Tuition: $200
Click here for the current schedule of classes.
Please note that all new students are required to take a placement exam prior to registration to determine the appropriate level they should register for. There is no fee for this exam. The ESL Placement Exam will be conducted at our Information and Registration Sessions in September and January. To reserve a seat for the placement exam or to arrange to take the exam during office hours, please call our office at 516.323.3550.
Students should register for classes at least one week prior to the start of classes to insure enough time for you to get your confirmation and parking permit. However, you can register up until the day of class. Please note that some of our classes do close out and some of our classes do cancel, so you may be taking a chance of not getting into the course of your choice by waiting.
To register online, in person, by phone, by fax or by mail, click here. You will be able to pay for your classes online by ACH check or by MasterCard, Visa or Discover credit card. If you pay by credit card there will be a fee of 2.95% for domestic cards and 4.25% for international cards added to the tuition.
Confirmation of your registration and classroom assignments will be mailed or emailed to you upon receipt of your registration.
Mailing List
The schedule of classes comes out twice a year (January and July) to students who have made an inquiry or registered within the last 6 months. However, the most up-to-date scheduling information can be found on the program webpage. We will also email you reminders of the upcoming schedule if you have provided us with an email address. Join our mailing list.
If you have any questions call 516.323.3550 or e-mail conted@molloy.edu.
Office of Continuing Education and Professional Studies
Continuing Education and Professional Studies
1000 Hempstead Avenue Rockville Centre, New York 11571-5002