News, Messages and Speeches

News, Messages and Speeches
January 27, 2025
Washington, D.C. Executive Orders
Dear Molloy University Community,
I am writing to acknowledge questions arising from recent executive orders from Washington D.C. that could affect higher education and Molloy University. I want you to know that, as of this writing, we are compliant with all existing laws. We are watching events closely and will alert the community if any necessary changes to policies or practices are warranted. In all our actions, we will continue to follow the law while at the same time ensuring that we hold close to our values as rooted in the Dominican Tradition and Catholic Social Teaching, committed to compassion and justice, human dignity, and the common good.
We are in close contact with peers and leaders in organizations that include The Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (ACCU) and the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) that provide guidance and expertise on matters relating to our sector, and we will keep you updated as warranted.
As always, Molloy University will hold fast to the tenets of our mission and the pathways outlined in our Strategic Plan 2028 as we navigate issues that may arise. I look forward to continuing our great work together in this new year.
January 16, 2025
Seventh Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service
Dear Molloy University Community,
On Monday, January 20, we will celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In unity with individuals and organizations throughout the United States, Molloy will hold its seventh annual MLK Day of Service. The National MLK Day of Service reminds us to recommit to the shared vision of dignity and respect for all.
Molloy University’s MLK Day of Service event, “Remember! Celebrate! Act!,” will offer opportunities to participate in hands-on service projects and to learn about volunteerism and service opportunities in our communities and the Long Island region. The day will include a mini resource fair where non-profit organizations will showcase a variety of service activities and workshops.
The keynote speaker will be Lisa Zakiya Newland, Ph.D., Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Social Work at Molloy. Dr. Newland will discuss “Cultivating Call and Response for Service and Social Action.”
Thank you to Molloy’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; the Siena Center for Social Justice; and the MLK Day of Service Committee, for leading this initiative, which exemplifies Molloy’s commitment to study, spirituality, service, and community.
Honoring Dr. King through service and seeking a shared purpose is the highest form of tribute and keeps Dr. King’s vision and focus alive. Molloy’s continued commitment to community and service is foundational to our mission and identity as a University.
James Lentini, President, Molloy University
Molloy University will leverage our strength in developing the healthcare workforce with expanded programming to meet growing demands. We will continue to graduate skilled nurses and other professionals that include allied health technicians, medical assistants and specialists in speech pathology, clinical mental health, healthcare MBAs, and others that are much needed by employers. In addition to our primary campus in Rockville Centre, our new Suffolk Center has strengthened our footprint in the region. There is much focus on the value of a college degree, often measured by post-graduation employment. Molloy excels in this area, and students ranging from undergraduates to adult learners will benefit from new academic programming that will provide even more career opportunities. Our goals extend beyond career preparation, and we will continue to focus on educating the whole person, providing them with both the skillset and the values needed for the future citizens of Long Island and our region.
President's Response To Passing of Pope Benedict XVI
January 1st, 2023
Molloy University joins fellow Catholics worldwide in mourning the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who died on December 31, 2022. He was a noted scholar and theologian who was committed to ecumenical and interfaith dialogue. Called by his former students the “Mozart of Theology,” Pope Benedict was a pianist devoted to classical music, and he was quoted as saying that works of art "open the door to the infinite, to a beauty and a truth that goes beyond the ordinary.”
A memorial mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI will be celebrated by Bishop John O. Barres on January 6, 2023 at St. Agnes Cathedral in Rockville Centre at 9:00 a.m. All are invited to attend.
James Lentini, D.M.A.
Molloy University -
Response to Buffalo Mass Shooting
May 17, 2022
Dear Molloy Community,
This weekend we reeled at the news of the premeditated killing of ten Black people at a supermarket in Buffalo. This shooting was firmly rooted in white supremacist hatred, which has no place in our country. There are no prayers or words that can return the victims to their families and communities, or reassure a traumatized city, state or country that this will not happen again. To the contrary, by the end of the weekend, three more mass shootings took place in the United States.
As Molloy Lions, we can, however, take determined action to speak up and stand up for the dignity and worth of those victimized because of the color of their skin. Our foundation as a mission-driven university is that transformative education based on Catholic social teaching can positively impact our communities. We must endeavor to understand the division and relentless pulse of racism that continues to plague the country and muster the will to stand firm in the belief that life is precious. Drawing upon our shared conviction that the surest path forward is the one we walk together, let's courageously engage in actions with our friends, neighbors, classmates, and colleagues to call out the abhorrent act that tragically stole the lives of innocent people and the underlying hatred that led to it.
I ask all of us at this time to pray for those who were murdered, those who are hospitalized as a result of this heinous act, and those experiencing deep grief and mourning. Let us take a moment to acknowledge each individual who was killed in Buffalo, even as we struggle to comprehend how we have arrived in this place together.
James Lentini
Molloy becomes a Laudato Sí’ University
April 27, 2022
Having just concluded our annual Founders Week, I share with you our campus-wide response to an invitation from Pope Francis to support the seven goals outlined in his 2015 encyclical, Laudato Sí’. It is our responsibility to support the health of our campus and our common home, the earth, in respectful stewardship of God’s creation, and we affirm this obligation by becoming a Laudato Sí’ University. This is in keeping with our identity as a Catholic Dominican University.
The Pope’s Call
In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis insists that all people must embrace “the moral imperative of assessing the impact of every action and personal decision on the world around us.” He invites Catholic organizations like colleges and universities to embrace “an integral ecology . . .that is about much more than caring for nature” but also “about caring for each other as fellow creatures of a loving God.” This document and the many efforts inspired by it from Catholic institutions reflect a “concern for the environment” that is “joined to a sincere love for our fellow human beings and an unwavering commitment to resolving the problems of society.” Pope Francis outlines seven goals in the encyclical: “responding to the cries of the Earth and the poor, fostering ecological economies, adopting a sustainable lifestyle, offering ecological education, developing ecological spirituality and supporting local communities.”
Molloy’s Response
We commit ourselves as a Laudato Si’ University in accordance with the four Dominican pillars that are foundational to our core values. Specifically, a commitment to Service means focusing our efforts with urgent attention to the ongoing environmental crisis, economic inequities, and social injustice that disproportionately affects the most vulnerable in our community and throughout the earth. We have begun to take initial efforts in this area by establishing the Laudato Sí’ Action Plan Committee comprised of faculty, students, administrators, staff, and community partners. This group is developing an Action Plan for the University that will advance each of the seven goals laid out in Laudato Si’. This Plan will serve as a foundational and guiding document for how we will proceed as a community to foster sustainability both in our campus life and operations and through our curriculum and engagement with the broader community. In the next five years we will implement concrete action steps identified in the Plan. Evaluation of the community, ideas for implementation, and concrete action require the contributions of the entire University community.
As a Catholic Dominican University committed to transformative education, we must face the reality of the continuing global environmental crisis, and entrenched injustice and inequity honestly and with resolve. For too long, “sister earth, along with the abandoned of our world” have suffered because of inaction. As Molloy moves into the next chapter of its history as a University, our community can chart a course for environmental justice that recognizes the intimate relationship between the dignity of the earth and the dignity of every human life.
Get involved to support Molloy as a Laudato Si’ University by contacting Catherine Muscente,
Easter Greetings
April, 13, 2022
Spring is traditionally a time of rebirth and renewal and, as we enter Holy Week, we are reminded of the promise of our faith. Walking through campus, flowers and trees are blooming, and students are emerging from classrooms and residence halls to enjoy time on the great lawn, signaling the end of a long winter.
Easter is certainly a time to celebrate life and the opportunity for new beginnings, which is an important reminder for us all as the world wrestles with both the on-going pandemic and the horrific war in Ukraine. May we all find a renewed energy and sense of purpose as we journey through this holy time of year – a time of resurrection and salvation - "And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power." 1 Corinthians 6:14
The celebration of Easter is reason to rejoice as we reinforce our belief and spiritual foundation as a values-based, Catholic and Dominican institution. This is an exciting time in Molloy’s history as we move forward with embracing our new status as a university in service to our community. It truly is a time filled with much promise.
I wish all the members of our Molloy community a joyous Spring, a Blessed Easter and a Happy Passover!
Message from the President on the Events in Ukraine
February 27, 2022
As we watch the horrific events unfold in Ukraine, our hearts and prayers are with the people of this sovereign country that is under an unprovoked attack by an aggressor that threatens the lives of innocent people and attempts to weaken and destroy democracy.
At Molloy, we echo the thoughts of Pope Francis, who has made a personal plea to political leaders, saying, “I would like to appeal to those with political responsibility to examine their consciences seriously before God, who is the God of peace and not of war; who is the Father of all, not just of some, who wants us to be brothers and not enemies.”
The Pope has also appealed “to everyone, believers and nonbelievers alike” to make March 2—Ash Wednesday—“a day of prayer and fasting for peace.” At Molloy, we will dedicate our Ash Wednesday services to pray for an end to the conflict in Ukraine.
At Molloy, we place great value on the way that we treat and respect each individual, and watching war unfold in Ukraine is an affront to those values. To those in our community who may be directly affected by the war in Ukraine, we offer our support and assistance.
The war is already having a worldwide effect on us all. Please join me in praying for peace and for leaders and people everywhere to place the love for humanity above all else.
A Holiday Greeting
December 15, 2021
A Thanksgiving Message
November 25, 2021
As Thanksgiving approaches I want to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you to all of our students, who continue to pursue learning, formal and informal. Your optimism and energy reminds me of the importance of the work we do. Thank you to our faculty - your commitment to educating the "whole" individual, while pursuing your own scholarship, is the foundation upon which we continue to grow. And thank you to our staff and administrators, who continue to find creative solutions to the unique challenges of higher education.
Our commitment to service is a hallmark of the Molloy experience. In 2021 I've witnessed and experienced many examples of Molloy Lions giving their time, expertise and, not insignificantly, material support. The year kicked off with the annual MLK Day of Service activities - which were creative and responsive to the remote environment in which we were all operating. Molloy student athletes won the ECC Cares Award, which is given to the institution whose student athletes raise the greatest amount of money per individual athlete, for the third year in a row. Not to be outdone, our outstanding alumni and friends continue to share their generosity at every opportunity, including scholarships, events and annual funds. Just last week our students packed vans with more than 1,000 pounds of donated food and supplies and delivered them to The Mary Brennan INN, to support Long Island families this Thanksgiving.
The outpouring of generosity and support reminds me that, based on our guiding values and virtues, we are making a difference in our communities every day. Thank you for exemplifying these words, "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."
As the days grow shorter, let's also revel in the spirit of Chanukah, the Festival of Light, which begins this weekend.
From my family to yours, have a Happy Thanksgiving!
James Lentini, D.M.A.
PresidentA Veterans Day Message
November 11, 2021
Today, November 11th, is Veterans Day, and we are thankful for all of the sacrifices made by all veterans of the United States Armed Forces, including our faculty, staff, administrators, students and alumni. We are grateful for your courage, determination and selfless dedication in defense of our country and the foundation on which it was built.
Veterans Day honors all who have given their all for our freedom. Please remember to thank them and their families on this day of remembrance.
James Lentini, D.M.A.
PresidentMessage to the Molloy Community in Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of 9/11
September 10, 2021
It seems almost impossible that twenty years have passed since two planes struck the World Trade Center, taking the lives of nearly 3,000 innocent people. Two decades later, we are reminded of the brave passengers on an early morning flight who fought valiantly to save the lives of people they didn’t know, even though their own deaths were imminent. A generation has been born and grown to adulthood since a fourth plane crashed into the Pentagon.
There are indelible stories of the heroes from that day, including the first responders who rushed in when no one knew what would come next. Brave firefighters, police officers and medical personnel ran toward destruction instead of away from it. Many of those who thought only of rescuing others jeopardized their own lives, and the physical and psychological toll emerged months and years later.
Almost every member of the Molloy University community was affected – we lost family and friends and searched for meaning and solace. To those who grew up with only pictures and stories of loved ones lost, please accept my deepest condolences. To those who lived each moment that day and every day that followed please know that you, too, are in our prayers.
We find ourselves, twenty years later, facing unprecedented challenges. Many in our community have lost loved ones. Domestic and international unrest threatens to divide us. Severe weather events highlight an uncertain future. Let’s pledge to one another, however, to be steadfast in what unites us – our common humanity and our desire to be of service in our communities.
Let’s return to our greatest strength as a Molloy community – each other. Let’s stand firm in the example set by St. Dominic who stated, upon meeting St. Francis of Assisi, “You are my companion and must walk with me. For if we hold together no earthly power can withstand us.”
James Lentini, D.M.A.
PresidentA Response to the George Floyd Verdict
April 20, 2021
To all the members of the Molloy Community,
The announcement of today's verdict of murder affirms that the violence against George Floyd that we collectively witnessed as a nation was seen and heard by the criminal justice system. There is still much to be done to protect the rights and dignity of all people, and I ask you to join me in reaffirming Molloy's commitment to a lifelong search for truth.
Whether we are students, faculty or staff, the values and guiding virtues of Molloy University will continue to guide us personally and as an institution. We believe that through our personal transformation we can affect our communities and the world, grounded in the pursuit of truth, integration of study and contemplation, seeing God in all things, compassion and justice, and engaged scholarship.
The fight to ensure that every individual is treated with dignity and respect will continue. This is a long struggle and it can be wearing. As we continue to live in circumstances more socially isolating than normal, it may become more difficult to dialogue with others. Let's be sure to reach out and provide avenues for conversation and support. As always, resources are available to all members of the Molloy community.
James Lentini, D.M.A.
PresidentResources are available through our Student Personal Counseling Center and Carebridge/EAP for employees, along with Campus Ministries, Mental Health and Wellness Center (available to the public and alumni for a fee) and dialogue with the Siena Center for Social Justice.
Commencement Remarks
May 18, 2021
President James Lentini
May 18, 2021Hi my name is Jim Lentini, and I’m so happy to be here with you today for what is my first commencement as President of Molloy University. Students, I’m sure that many of you wondered if you’d ever be here today. No, I don’t mean the fact that you are graduating—we all had confidence you’d complete your degree. What I mean is how were we going to do a graduation celebration during this pandemic, which has made in-person gatherings a rare thing. For those of you who are attending today, we’re offering a combination of an in-person and remote celebration, and we hope that this experience for you and your families will be fun and meaningful.
So, here you are, the Molloy University Class of 2021! Congratulations, you’ve arrived, right? Well, not so fast—this is more of a beginning than an ending—I’ll get to that in a minute. When you started at Molloy, you couldn’t have known what would lie ahead. But you were probably wondering things like, will I like my classmates, will my professors be nice, what are the Four Pillars of Dominican Life, and did Student Affairs VP Janine Biscari actually just give me her real cell phone number? But there is no way, not possible, unforeseen by anyone, that we would have the year we are currently living through together. But look at some of the positives and discoveries that have been made during this past year: effective vaccines created in record time, new treatments and research discoveries, not to mention some things that parents are learning for the first time, like new shows on Netflix, Hulu, and Disney Plus. Come on, admit it, who didn’t watch the Queen’s Gambit? And no one can complain about not spending enough time with their families…right?. While it’s impossible to ignore the pandemic, I’ll focus my comments more on the future, as I think we’ve all thought about facemasks, vaccines and social distancing quite a lot. Today let’s talk about where we are, how we got here, and what lies ahead.
Speaking about how we got here, I’m often asked, how does someone become a college President? Does it take superior intellect, knowledge of everything in academia, a keen business mind, or is it all just about good looks and charisma? OK, forget about that last part. The answer is, there is no formula, because I never had on my radar in life to be a college president. As far back into my childhood as I can remember, I had couple of “plans,” if you can say a 6 year-old has a plan for his life, that I remember vividly. One was to be a shortstop for the Detroit Tigers. Solid plan. My heroes were names most of you are too young to know, like Al Kaline, Norm Cash, and Mickey Lolich. My plan, however, began to unravel a bit when I realized that being a decent ballplayer in my neighborhood didn’t exactly translate when I played against a wider group of talent. This was one of my earliest experiences of getting out there in the world, outside of the comfort zone of my friendly neighborhood, to realize that not everyone grew up like me, in an Italian-Catholic family of modest means. Of course, I wasn’t thinking about money. I thought my family had all we needed growing up in a 1200 square-foot bungalow with 4 kids sharing bedrooms with one black and white TV set that could get 4 or 5 channels (students, you’ll have to look this up, along with rotary dial telephones and 8-track tapes).
My parallel plan took shape after seeing the Beatles perform on the Ed Sullivan show in 1964 (yes, I’m that old). It was obvious to me that the job of “rock star” was a good one. At the age of eight, I pleaded with my mom and grandparents, who were a big part of my upbringing, to start guitar lessons. I still remember the music studio run by a man named George Cailotto and his wife, who would give me a warm greeting as I lugged my guitar (which was bigger than me at the time) into lessons every Saturday. While I always loved sports, this music thing had some lasting effects. I remember winning a music competition in Michigan when I was 9 or 10 years old, playing a souped-up version of Hot Crossed Buns, or some tune like that. These kinds of experiences instilled some confidence in me and I was doing what I loved.
Think of how each of you have arrived here today, from the dreams you had as a child to being here now getting your degree. Is this what you envisioned? For some of you, I’m sure the answer is “yes,” but for most, the path is not a straight line. This year, of course, threw a wrench in most people’s plans, and many had to adjust, delay, or abandon their livelihoods and pursuits. There have been, no doubt, challenges for our Molloy students, but we are extremely proud of the resilience you have shown to keep your academic work going, while keeping your dreams alive.
Our dreams, your dreams, are important! There’s a phrase that says: “shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” This is an interesting quote, and one I’ve always understood to mean “aim high, and even if you miss, it’s better than aiming low and hitting the mark.” That’s right, aiming high and missing is preferable to aiming low and hitting the mark. You never know what you might be able to accomplish, unless you try. As the great philosopher, hockey player Wayne Gretzky, said: You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take. This is true! Some of you are here today because you had dreams and passions that carried you through obstacles of all sorts, including a global pandemic. There’s another quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin that says: “you can do anything you set your mind to.” Hmm, this reminds me, as a point guard in grade school with decent ball handling skills, I also had dreams of being a basketball player. A few things got in the way, one being that 5 foot 7 turns out to not be the ideal height for a basketball player. Now, there are some exceptions to the rule, as there have been height-challenged players who have made it to the NBA. The lesson is this: though you can accomplish great things when you put your mind to it, you may need to alter your plan! And what you might perceive as non-success, or failure, which is an overused term, might be anything but. The thing that doesn’t work out for you is often just what you need to steer you to the success that is meant to be yours! This concept was articulated beautifully by one of the world’s greatest inventors, Alexander Graham Bell, when he said:
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” Think about that. I think we’ve all had this experience—so heed Bell’s advice and look for the open doors!
That quote helped me through some challenges in my life, and it can help you too, whether you experience difficulty with relationships, jobs or other life situations.
Today, you are graduating and closing a chapter in your life. But have you arrived? Well, for some of you, this may close a chapter of formal education, but believe me, the learning has just begun. And, oh, the doors that are now open for you! The challenge will be, which ones to choose? I have seen in my own life that we are all a product of the decisions we make. From little decisions you make every day to the big decisions, like what career to pursue or who you decide to marry, every decision has a consequence, big and small. Do you binge-watch your favorite Netflix series or study extra hard for your exam? What job to pursue, when to change careers, how much to spend on a new car…decisions, decisions! And I hate to tell you, no matter how good your salary or elevated your position, none of this gets easier. In fact, if I had to give one piece of advice, it is this: all of your education and knowledge are required as a basic tool set, but it is the quality of the decisions you make that will define who you are and what you become. The lesson: practice making good decisions, from what you eat, to how you take care of yourself physically and mentally, to who you hang out with. The better decisions you make on the small things are practice for how to make good decisions on the big things.
So, what if you make a bad decision? Learn from it and handle your mistakes in an ethical and humane manner and make a better decision next time. We all make mistakes—lots of them! The inevitable mistakes you’ll make will not define you if you continue to learn and grow with an open mind and remember to be a lifelong learner.
I’d like to speak for a moment about the world you are entering as you walk off of our campus and take the next steps in your life. Besides slowly clawing out of hibernation caused by COVID-19 and getting back to in-person experiences, you are entering a world where social unrest, political division, and economic disparities may be at the most strained level any of us have ever seen. What is needed to get things moving on a better path? More college graduates. Like you! People who have learned not only in the classroom but who have lived by the values we hold dear at Molloy, such as “acting justly and with kindness in all our endeavors,” “transforming our communities,” “searching for truth; open to each other's truth,” and “reflectively listening to ourselves, our God and to the signs of the times in our contemporary world.” These are Molloy’s values. Can you imagine a world that would hold to such values? Is it possible to think that our values can make any difference in our communities? The answer is and must be, yes!
Imagine the impact of acting justly and with kindness in all your endeavors—can you think of someone in your life with these traits? For me, it was my Grandmother, Lena, who somehow managed to help my mother raise four young boys without a father in the home. She put love into cooking homemade Italian meals, spending hours in the kitchen day upon day. She could have a firm hand when needed, but for us boys, she was always gentle and kind and a great listener. We could tell her anything and she seemed interested and understanding. So many others have helped me along the way. When I was a music major in college, my music theory professor, Richard Parks, saw something in me that led to a tuition scholarship and he had me teaching class sessions as an instructor’s assistant. I didn’t plan this! It was one of those doors that was opened for me by someone else! This built confidence that I never knew I could have. I know you have people in your lives like this as well. Parents, mentors, family members, or friends who lift you up when we you need it. These individuals are the role models for how we should treat people and are deserving of praise in a world where we too often see examples of brute force, disrespect, and uncivil dialogue used by groups and individuals as a way to supposedly get ahead. We’ve seen the damage in our society from such behavior, and you, graduates, can turn things around by living the values you have gained here at Molloy.
And what about the knowledge you’ve acquired as a college graduate? Will the degree help you succeed in life? While it seems incredible, a Gallup poll showed that only about half of U.S. adults consider a college education to be "very important.” Only half consider a college education to be very important—wow! I’m not sure who took this poll, but in this case, perception is NOT reality! Here are the facts: college graduates get better jobs, earn more money annually and during their lifetime, and even have a longer life expectancy than those without a degree. And another fact is that the world needs college graduates now more than ever to fill jobs in health care, business, education, advanced technology, analytics, and in emerging fields that require advanced study. We also need to turn our world of divisive and fractured discourse into a place where civil dialogue allows for difference of opinion to be handled with critical thinking and humane interaction. You are equipped to do that, Molloy graduates! The world needs you! You can feel assured that degree completers, like you, will be very successful in whatever you choose to do.
Here’s an example of how our Molloy graduates change the world. Just before Mother’s Day, NBC’s Today Show gave mother-daughter nurses and Molloy University graduates, Lori and Carolyn Brady, quite an honor on live television. As the Today Show celebrated special moms on the plaza for Mother’s Day, they brought Lori and Carolyn on the show live to air a special tribute to their work on the front lines treating COVID patients at Mt. Sinai South Nassau Hospital. In addition to the filmed tribute, the Brady’s were presented with a surprise scholarship in their name created by Molloy. Lori and Carolyn Brady typify the outstanding work by our Molloy graduates, who are not only stellar performers in their jobs, but give back to their communities.
So, you take with you today a great responsibility to not only yourselves, but to your families and communities to carry forward the virtues and values that represent Molloy graduates. Your diploma represents your ability to face and overcome challenges and to do so with integrity and empathy for others that will make the world a better place. Blessings to your mentors, family and friends who have supported you to be where you are today, and my heartiest congratulations to you, the class of 2021! Go Lions!
An Easter Message
March 31, 2021
To the Molloy Community:
We are now in Holy Week after one of the most difficult years for the College and the nation. As a Catholic College, founded in the charism of the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville, the Easter season always has special resonance for us. This year, Easter could not come as a more timely reminder of the promise of our faith.
The promise of Easter is new life! After a time of great darkness, we will see the light and have a new and better life. As a College, we have been through so much, yet we have persevered. Along with the regional Long Island community and, indeed, the entire world, we have suffered tremendously, but the hope of tomorrow still shines brightly. The hope that we all share, as a community of scholars, is that education and service will remain the hallmarks of our society. In the year since COVID-19 changed our lives, let's recall our founding mission and our calling to help others see light and hope.
Whether you celebrate Easter, Passover or another religious holiday, please accept my best wishes for spiritual renewal, for light, and for hope.
James Lentini, D.M.A.
PresidentResponse to Violence Against Asian, Asian American, Pacific Islander Communities.
March 18, 2021
To all the Members of the Molloy Community,
We stand in support of our students, faculty, staff, and alumni of Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander descent. Anti-Asian hate crimes are wrong and have no place in the Molloy Community or in our society.
Here at Molloy University we are called to be moral thinkers and leaders. Molloy’s Values and Guiding Virtues statement affirms, "The Catholic Dominican vision for education is a holistic way of looking at and being in the world. It is grounded in values integral to the mission of the order: the pursuit of truth, integration of study and contemplation, seeing God in all things, compassion and justice, and engaged scholarship.”
We find ourselves confronting the darkest side of humanity, which denies people the dignity and respect afforded to us as human beings. Increasing anti-Asian hate crimes, including the tragic killings of six individuals of Asian descent in Atlanta, are counter to the Molloy University mission statement: “Through transformative education, Molloy promotes a lifelong search for truth and the development of ethical leadership.”
Our Values and Guiding Virtues statement becomes an action plan when we ensure that Molloy University is a safe space that is welcoming and supportive to each individual. As we take on the role of “ethical leadership” in our respective spheres, we must speak up and take action, acting justly and with kindness in all our endeavors. In our search for truth through self-awareness with humility, we have the power to transform our communities.
James Lentini, D.M.A.
For those seeking support, please take advantage of the resources available through our Student Personal Counseling Center, Carebridge/EAP for employees, along with Campus Ministries, Mental Health and Wellness Center (available to the public and alumni for a fee) and dialogue with the Siena Center for Social Justice.
To learn more about the diverse constituencies that enhance the Molloy community, please engage with our student clubs and their advisors: AACO (African-American Caribbean Organization), MASA (Molloy Asian Student Association), SACE (South Asian Cultural Exchange), and Unión Hispana. Connect with Molloy Violence Prevention to learn more about identifying and preventing gender-based violence.Response to Violence at the U.S. Capitol
January 6, 2021
To Every Member of the Molloy Community,
The disunity and turmoil that defined the presidential election has erupted in violence in Washington, D.C. today. I reaffirm Molloy University's commitment to the history of the peaceful transition of power in this country and the Constitution of the United States of America.
It is painful for all of us to witness what is happening in the Capitol. As an institution and as a community, we are committed to a culture of support and respect. Please reach out and use the resources available through our Student Personal Counseling Center and Carebridge/EAP for employees, along with Campus Ministries, Mental Health and Wellness Center (available to the public and alumni for a fee) and dialogue with the Siena Center for Social Justice.
I am confident that these trying times will allow us to find the best in ourselves and ultimately contribute to a better country and a better world. Let us commit ourselves to living out the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
Election 2020, A Message from President James Lentini
October 30, 2020
Election Day is almost here and, as you know, it has been a turbulent campaign season.
Voting is critically important and, in fact, it is the cornerstone of our democracy. No one said it better than the late civil rights activist and member of the House of Representatives John Lewis, “The vote is precious. It is the most powerful non-violent tool we have in a democratic society, and we must use it.”
While the presidential election is at the top of most people’s list, there are a number of other races and referendums on the ballot this year. All of these are important to you, your family and your community, and I would encourage you all to exercise this extremely important right.
At Molloy, we hold dear in our mission and values respect for each person and acting justly and with kindness in all our endeavors. During this time where differences of opinion may come to the fore, I urge everyone in our community to hold close to our core values, and to be models for how to navigate a world of varied viewpoints and feelings.
We want to remind the entire Molloy community that we have many support resources available should you need to reach out. These include the Student Personal Counseling Center and Carebridge/EAP for employees, along with Campus Ministries, Mental Health and Wellness Center (available to the public and alumni for a fee) and dialogue with the Siena Center for Social Justice.
Molloy University Supports International Students
July 10, 2020
International students are part of the fabric of higher education in the United States and strengthen our institutions, our economy and our understanding of cultures throughout the world.
Yesterday's decision by U.S. Immigrations & Customs Enforcement (ICE) puts international students in needless jeopardy of continuing their education in our country. The onerous new guidelines run counter to our institutional mission and the values of U.S. higher education as a whole.
These new regulations have the potential to significantly impact Molloy's international students. We are working with our students to ensure that their schedules meet the new regulations, despite the challenges of an international pandemic.
Molloy joins other colleges - including Harvard and MIT - in decrying these regulations and we urge ICE officials to eliminate or modify them immediately.
Day of Reflection: Juneteenth
June 18, 2020
As I begin my presidency at Molloy University, I am happy to embrace our Catholic Dominican tradition and our commitment to transformational education.
I am writing to share with you that we are declaring Juneteenth, tomorrow, June 19, an official college day of reflection, with all College offices closed and classes suspended for the day.
Juneteenth marks the date in 1865, two and one-half years after Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation and two months after the surrender by Confederate forces, that Union General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, to inform enslaved African-American persons of their freedom and that the Civil War had ended. General Granger's announcement put the Emancipation Proclamation into effect. Juneteenth celebrations have been a long-standing tradition in the Black community, with growing recognition and awareness throughout the United States, particularly in recent years. Today, we take action to join in solidarity with our colleagues and community by recognizing Juneteenth.
Molloy University was founded as a transformational entity. Declaring Juneteenth an official college day of reflection calls on us to rededicate ourselves to supporting the transformation that must continue if we are to be a truly just and equitable society.
I am committed to making meaningful changes on campus and in our curriculum to respect the values to which we are dedicated, and to ensure that a Molloy education puts our beliefs into action. Recognizing and valuing all members of our community is not only the proper moral course of action, it is necessary to provide a complete and effective educational experience for all our students and to honor the strength of our diversity.
Tomorrow, while our offices are closed and classes are suspended, let's spend time reflecting and learning more about the structures that perpetuate racial injustice and what actions we can take to build the just, equitable, and welcoming College community that represents the best of Molloy.
James P. Lentini, D.M.A.
PresidentDr. James Lentini to Become 7th President of Molloy University
January 6, 2020
John P. McEntee, Chair of the Molloy University Board of Trustees, recently announced that Dr. James Lentini, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, will become the seventh president of the College on July 1, 2020. Dr. Lentini was unanimously approved by the Board.
"After a comprehensive national search, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Lentini as Molloy's next president," said McEntee. "Dr. Lentini is a passionate and thoughtful leader with a proven track record of success in academic program development. His experience in inspiring, leading, and sustaining transformational change will allow Molloy to build on the distinguished service and visionary leadership of Dr. Drew Bogner, Molloy's current president."
"Dr. Lentini's 30-plus years of experience in higher education - in a wide variety of areas that include strategic planning, academic program development, enrollment management and more - will ensure a smooth transition in Molloy's leadership and help us continue on the path of unprecedented growth that we have enjoyed during the 20 years of Dr. Bogner's presidency," said Dan Henry, Chair of Molloy's Presidential Search Committee.
"I am thrilled and honored to have been selected as the next President of Molloy University," said Dr. Lentini. "Molloy has a tremendous history and culture, and I look forward to working with Molloy's dedicated faculty, staff, students, and alumni to build on the success that has made the College one of the finest institutions in the region."
Dr. Lentini came to Oakland University in 2013. Prior to his appointment at Oakland, he served as dean of the College of Creative Arts at Miami University (Ohio) from 2007-2013. He was the founding dean of the School of Art, Media and Music at The College of New Jersey from 2003-2007 and served on the faculty and administration in the Department of Music at Wayne State University (WSU) from 1988-2003.
A Detroit native, Dr. Lentini received a Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) from the University of Southern California, a Master of Music degree from Michigan State University, and a Bachelor of Music degree from Wayne State University. He also successfully completed the Management in Leadership in Education program at Harvard University.
As Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost at Oakland University, he worked closely with deans and faculty in overseeing the development of new and innovative academic programs, including a newly-formed School of Music, Theatre and Dance and the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, which graduated its charter class in 2015. He led the reorganization of the Office of Research, overseeing academic and research developments that led to the elevation of the university's Carnegie Classification from R3 to R2 category (Doctoral University - High Research Activity).
An internationally-recognized composer and classical guitarist, Dr. Lentini is a voting member of the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences GRAMMY awards and is a recipient of, among other musical honors, the Andres Segovia International Composition Prize. His compositions have been performed and recorded by national and international ensembles, and Gramophone magazine called him "an American classical music success story."
Dr. Lentini and his wife Dana have two sons, Luke and Noah, and a daughter, Evalina.
Search Committee Chair Henry led a 13-member Search Committee comprising trustees, faculty members, administrators, and a student representative. The Search Committee, assisted by Storbeck/Pimentel & Associates, reviewed the profiles of more than 80 potential candidates during an 8-month search process.
Watch the Full Press Conference