Know where you are going before you enter transit system. Use MTA, LIRR apps depending on train, for current schedules
Have your Omny Pay/Metro-card ready so you can swiftly get through the turnstile.
Stand back from the platform edge, preferably close to the wall but at least behind the yellow line on the platform. During off-peak hours wait near station agent.
Do not lean over platform edge or go onto the tracks for any reason. If you drop something on tracks tell a police officer or an MTA official.
Watch the gap when boarding and exiting the train, please watch for the gap between station and platform as they can be large at times.
Avoid empty train cars. Try to sit in the first car, where train operator is located, or the middle car, where train conductor is located.
Be mindful of your personal belongings such as pocketbooks, backpacks, bookbags and especially electronic devices such as cellphones and headphones.
Whenever possible, travel with others. There is safety in numbers.
Do not sleep on train. Nearly 25 % of subway thefts occur to sleeping passengers.
Trust your instincts. If you feel something is not right, then remove yourself from the location and call for assistance if necessary.