Molloy Care Team

Molloy Care Team
The Molloy Care Team, chaired by the Dean of Student Success and Assessment and the Dean of Students, is comprised of representatives from many different offices across campus including the Student Solution Center, Residence Life, Public Safety, Academic Affairs, Athletics, Health and Wellness (Student Counseling Center and Health Services), and the Center for Access and Disability.
The goal of the overall team is to provide a multi-faceted approach to coordinate interventions that support students both in their academic and co-curricular pursuits. The team is also charged with identifying campus trends and eliminating barriers to student success.
Students of concern are referred to the Care Team through members of the represented offices on the team as well as general Molloy community members. Molloy community members can report students of concern via the report form link on the left side of the page.
While referrals from this form are reviewed by a variety of campus partners working to assist students, it is NOT designed for emergency response situations. If this is an emergency or someone is in immediate danger, please contact Public Safety at (516) 323-3500 if on Molloy’s Rockville Centre Campus. For all other Molloy University locations, dial 911.
Questions regarding the Care Team should be directed to
Molloy Care Team
Dean of Student Success and Assessment and Dean of Students
Rockville Centre Campus