March 26, 2023
Molloy University helps young students read
By Andre Silva; LI Herald
Molloy University launched their spring enrichment program focused on increasing English literacy for more than 80 young Baldwin school children on March 4.
Children in the Baldwin School District — pre-kindergarten to sixth grade — are participating in Molloy University’s spring enrichment program — several Zoom-based educational sessions aimed at developing literary and social emotional skills in young students.
The university said they aim to foster a love of literacy throughout four sessions held on Saturday mornings beginning on March 4.
The university’s spring enrichment program is a free and has one more session on April 1 at 9:15-10:15 a.m.
The university said students from preschool through grade 3 are reading “The Day the Crayons Quit” a book by Drew Daywalt, and students from fourth grade through sixth are reading “The Crossover,” by Kwame Alexander — Packets with all materials needed to participate in the program are delivered participating children’s classroom and sent home in their backpacks.
The student packets are generously funded by a grant from the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation through the university. Registration was conducted through an electronic form was available through the Baldwin School District’s several principals.
For more information, email Audra Cerruto