State Aid Programs

New York State Aid Grants
Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
The Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) helps eligible New York State residents pay tuition at approved schools in New York State. TAP is one of the grants, scholarships, and awards programs administered by the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC).
Eligibility: New York State residents who are matriculated full-time students (12 credits or more per semester at Molloy) are eligible for this grant. Eligibility is based on the family's New York State net taxable income.
Possible Amounts: Awards of up to $5,665
Molloy University will provide an estimate.
The actual award amount will appear on your TAP Award Certificate provided by Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC).
Application Process: Complete the TAP Application each year. If you file the FAFSA electronically, you will be linked to the HESC website to complete the Express TAP application. You may visit NYS Student Aid Payment Application for more information.
General Eligibility Requirements for New York State Aid
To be eligible for TAP, you must:
- Complete and submit the FAFSA and TAP applications.
- Be a United States citizen or eligible non-citizen.
- Be a legal resident of New York state.
- Have graduated from high school, have a GED, or have passed a federally approved exam that demonstrates the student can benefit from the education offered.
- Be matriculated in an approved program of study and be in good academic standing
- Be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student taking 12 or more credits (applicable toward your degree program) per semester.
- Have declared a major no later than within 30 days from the end of the add/drop period: In the first term of your sophomore year in an approved two-year program;or In the first term of your junior year in an approved four-year program.
- Have at least a cumulative "C" average after receipt of two annual payments.
- Be charged at least $200 tuition per year.
- Not be in default on a federal student loan or any repayment of state awards.
- Meet New York State income limits, For more information go to: NYS Higher Education Services Corporation - NYS TAP.
Part-Time Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
Part-Time TAP is a program from New York State that allows for partial TAP payments for students taking 6 to 11 credits. This program is available to college students who meet the specified requirements. To apply you must complete a FAFSA and a TAP application.
For more information and requirements please visit: NYS Higher Education Services Corporation - Part-time TAP.
Aid for Part-Time Students (APTS)
Aid for Part-Time Study Program (APTS) is a grant program financed by New York State in conjunction with participating educational institutions throughout the State. This program provides grants to eligible part-time undergraduate students to help pay tuition expenses.
Eligibility: New York State residents who are matriculated at Molloy University and are currently registered for part-time study (3-11 credits) are eligible to apply for this state grant.
- Possible Amounts: Awards for qualified students are up to $2,000 per academic year, depending upon tuition charges and funds availability.
- Application Process: Complete the APTS application for fall or spring semester at the Financial Aid office each academic year.
- Contact the Financial Aid office for application deadlines and requirements.
- Visit here for more Information: NYS Aid for Part-Time Study.
Veterans Benefits
Veterans Educational Benefits are available for veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces after 1954. Aid is also available for children, spouses, and survivors of veterans. For additional information about this program, contact the Registrar or the Department of Veterans Affairs at 1.888.442.4551. Also, visit their website at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
For additional information please visit: NYS Higher Education Services Corporation - Military Corner.
Dream Act
The Senator Jose Peralta New York State DREAM Act gives undocumented students access to New York State-administered grants and scholarships that support their higher education costs.
For additional information, please visit Senator José Peralta New York State DREAM Act.
Office of Financial Aid
Office of Financial Aid
Wilbur Arts Center
Room 236