Student Financial Services - Bursar

The Office of the Bursar is committed to helping our students and their families meet their financial obligations to the University by providing superior quality service. We take pride in our accurate and prompt response to your inquiries and our ability to take the appropriate actions regarding all student accounts. What we do in the Bursar Office includes:
- Produce accurate and timely student invoices
- Collect and process payments
- Issue refunds when applicable
- Ensure the timely deposit of funds
- New York State TAP certification
Through team work with the Financial Aid Office, we provide quality service of the highest professional and ethical standards from a dynamic, professional staff. Everyone - our students, families, administrative areas and external third parties - can expect to experience a consistent, fair-minded and informed application of Molloy's policies and procedures.
Office Hours
During the Semester:
Monday - Tuesday 9AM - 7PM
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9AM - 5PM
Please call our office for office hours during School Breaks, Intersession and Summer.
Bursar Staff
Debra O’Connor – Director of Student Financial Services
Annette Haripersaud – Associate Director
Róisín McGahey- Assistant Director
Barbara Binkis – University Banking Liaison
Jill Duccilli – Student Account Representative & Collection Specialist
Cobertha Felix - Senior Student Account Representative
Yenny Valdez - Student Account Representative
Jessica Sgro - Student Account Representative
Tammy Livingston - Student Account Representative
Kimberly Rudolph - Student Account Representative
Paying Your Bill
Need to make a payment on your student account? We offer many easy, convenient ways for you to do just that.
Online Payments
Secure online payments can be made via electronic check. Credit card - Discover, MasterCard or Visa - payments may be made online through Transact by using your Lion's Den account.
Payment by Mail or In-Person
Use any of the following methods:
- Cash (cash payments will not be accepted after 5pm)
- Check
- Money order
- Discover, Visa or MasterCard
Cash Discounts on Payments
All payments made using cash, check, or ACH electronic online payment will be discounted. Please note, the tuition and fee charges will not be discounted—only the payment amount will be discounted. You will pay more if you use a credit or debit card (whether online, in person, or over the phone).
How it works, for example:
- Full-Time Undergraduate Tuition charge $19,050.00
- Amount Paid if credit or debit card is used $19,573.88
- Amount Paid if cash, check or ACH is used $19,050.00
To avoid paying the higher amount, the following payment methods can be used.
- Paper check
- Electronic check payment (when paying online) - a bank routing and account number are required to pay via electronic check
- Cash (when paying in person at the Bursar's Office)
Example Credit Card vs Cash.pdf
Make out all checks to Molloy University, being sure to include your student ID number on the check. This can be found in the upper left-hand corner of your statement of account. Checks returned to Molloy University for insufficient funds will be subject to a $25 returned fee. If you are notified of a returned check, the amount must immediately be replaced with cash, credit card or money order. If a second check is returned for insufficient funds, you may not be permitted to use a personal check in the future.
Personal Checks
Personal Checks will not be accepted for current semester payment two weeks before registration begins for the next semester. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for dates.
Other Payment Options
Monthly Budget Plan
Molloy University has partnered with Transact to provide monthly payment plans. The goal is to assist students by making tuition and fee payments more manageable.
The amount you budget for the payment plan is calculated by deducting the anticipated financial aid awards from your charges. The remaining balance is the amount you should budget. Students may enroll in a 5-month payment plan each semester.
- Fall Payment Plans begin on July 25th and end on November 25th
- Spring Payment Plans begin on December 25th and end on April 25th
- Summer and Intersession semesters ARE NOT eligible for payment plans
Payments are due on the 25th of each month during the terms listed above. Plans are interest free, however, there is a $45 fee to enroll each semester.To ENROLL in a payment plan:
- Go to Lion's Den Account
- Enter your Username & Password
- Click on MY FINANCES
- Click on Make an Online Payment Now or Enroll in a Transact Payment Plan
- Navigate to the Payment Plans Section in the "Overview" screen to view payment plan options
- Select your Payment Plan and "Enroll in Plan"
To EDIT a payment plan:
- Go to Lion's Den Account
- Enter your Username & Password
- Click on MY FINANCES
- Click on Make an Online Payment Now or Enroll in a Transact Payment Plan
- Navigate to the Payment Plans Section in the "Overview" screen to view payment plan options
- Select your Established Payment Plan and remove Auto Pay, if applicable
- A pop up will appear, click on Edit
- Once the edit is complete you must turn Auto Pay back on
Tuition Vouchers
Tuition Vouchers are awarded to persons providing a specific service to Molloy University and are managed by the Department of Enrollment Management.
Teacher vouchers are intended for the use of the cooperating teacher. Vouchers may be transferred to a family member.
Unexpired vouchers may be presented to the Bursar's Office once the students semester bill is available. Expired vouchers are not valid and cannot be applied to a student's account. Tuition vouchers can only be applied to the term for which the student is currently enrolled. They cannot be used to pay balances from previous semesters.
Tuition Vouchers are applied to tuition only and cannot exceed the tuition charge. If a student submits vouchers that exceed the tuition cost for the semester, the student will forfeit the excess amount.
Institutional aid (grants and scholarships) may be adjusted when used in conjunction with a tuition voucher. The combination cannot exceed tuition. If a student is receiving a Molloy discount, and uses a tuition credit voucher, the voucher is subtracted from the amount due for tuition after the Molloy discount has been applied to the bill. Molloy discounts do not apply to fees, course fees and other costs.
The amount of the voucher will be deducted from the student's tuition charge as follows:
- Part-time Students: the value of voucher is equal to the per-credit rate based on the student enrollment.
- Full-time Undergraduate Students paying the flat tuition rate: the value of the voucher is equal to the undergraduate per-credit rate based on enrollment in 16 credits per semester (whether or not the student is registered for 16 credits). Therefore, the voucher would be equal to Flat Tuition/16 credits.
Important to note:
- No more than four credits in vouchers will be accepted per academic semester
- Tuition vouchers can be applied to tuition only-all fees, materials fees and other costs to attend are not covered by the voucher. Payment of these fees are the responsibility of the student.
E.d.D. Program and Cooperating Teacher Voucher Credit Policy
Unexpired tuition voucher credits earned by cooperating teachers who have supported one or more Molloy University undergraduate or graduate students will be acceptable as payment toward Molloy University tuition expenses associated with the Ed.D. program of study if the voucher has been earned by the bearer, and the vouchers are presented to the Office of the Bursar once the student's semester bill is available. Expired vouchers will not be acceptable.These vouchers can only be applied to the term for which the doctoral student is currently enrolled. They cannot be used to pay balances from previous semesters. The amount of the voucher will be deducted from the student's tuition charge. A maximum of three (3) credits in vouchers can be used in one semester. The value of a cooperating teacher voucher is equal to the per credit charge based on the student's enrollment for Doctoral level coursework.
Tuition Deferment
Students receiving any type of tuition deferment must present the completed/authorized tuition deferment application form once the students semester bill is available to the Office of the Bursar. All charges not covered by the tuition deferment voucher must be paid by the due dates previously listed.
The payment due date for students who submit proof of employee tuition reimbursement is deferred until after each semester is over. Since many companies require students to submit grades before payment is made, extra time is given. In most case, the companies pay the students, and the students have to then pay Molloy. Payment is only deferred if the entire balance will be covered. Students must pay upfront for fees and any remaining tuition balance not covered by employee tuition reimbursement. Deferred payment and review dates are listed below:
- Intersession - January 30
- Fall - January 30
- Spring - June 30
- Summer - August 30
No subsequent tuition deferral will be granted until the previous balance is paid.
Link to Fillable Deferment Form -
Tuition Discounts
Tuition Discount - Education
In recognition of candidates' contribution to religious education, Molloy University offers a 30% discount on tuition only on graduate education courses to those who are employed full-time in religious-affiliated schools. To be eligible for this discount, a signed letter from the school principal is required each semester the discount is sought. The discount can only be applied for the current term and cannot be applied to prior semesters.
Corporate Partner Discounts
Molloy University has entered into agreements with several organizations designed to allow working professionals to earn a Molloy degree at a reduced tuition rate. Please visit Corporate Partnerships
Tuition Discount Policy
Molloy University students may be eligible for tuition discounts based on the following criteria:
- Enrolled in a DESIGNATED program (value of the discount as stated in Molloy policy)
- Enrolled in a course DESIGNATED by Registrar as being "off-site" (for example, the course is held at hospital building or in a high school building) Off-site does not include classes held at our Suffolk or Manhattan campuses (value of the discount is as stated in Molloy policy)
- Employed by one of our Corporate Partners as per the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (value of the discount as stated in the MOU)
- All discounts are INCLUSIVE of any institutional grants or scholarships, which include:
-All merit-based Molloy Scholarships
-All need-based Molloy Grants, such as the Molloy Grant
- Corporate Partner discount applications must be received by the last day of the semester for which the discount is applicable. Discount applications received after the last date of the semester will not be accepted.
- For students who receive NO institutional grants or scholarships and who meet the criteria for a tuition discount, the full value of the discount will be directly applied to the student account by Bursar.
- For students who receive institutional grants or scholarships, which total the value of the discount, NO additional discount will be granted.
- For students who receive institutional grants or scholarships which total less than the value of the discount, a separate Financial Aid Award will be awarded to the student making up the difference between the institutional awards and the value of the discount. Student accounts will be monitored throughout the semester for any changes to their enrollment and/or their institutional grants or scholarships. Accounts will be adjusted appropriately to meet the criteria stated above.
- Funded Scholarships will not be considered institutional. No discount adjustments will be made for students receiving funded scholarships.
- Convocation and Class Night awards will not be considered institutional. No discount adjustments will be made for students receiving funded scholarships.
Molloy University reserves the right to remove any discount if the student no longer meets the specified requirements.
How do I apply for TAP?
When you complete the FAFSA on the web, the confirmation page will give you a link to the TAP on the web application for New York state financial aid. Before completing the TAP application, you will be asked to establish a PIN for TAP. This PIN will allow you to complete your application later, access your application information, or make changes, if necessary. After establishing your PIN, you will be able to complete your TAP application. The TAP online form will be pre-filled with some of the information from the FAFSA you completed online. Review this data, supply any missing information and submit the form. Follow the instructions provided.
I received TAP last year, do I have to apply again?
Yes, you must reapply for TAP every academic year in addition to the free application for federal student aid (FAFSA).
How much TAP can I receive each semester?
The amount of TAP you receive depends on your family income, the number of family members attending college full-time, the number of semesters you have received TAP, and the size of the annual appropriation for the program. Maximum TAP awards can be equal to but not greater than the full tuition charge at the college. State budgetary restrictions can further limit TAP awards to a portion of your tuition.
What requirements must I meet to be eligible for TAP?
To be eligible for TAP, you must be a full-time student (enrolled in at least 12 credits). In addition to being enrolled full-time, at least 12 enrolled credits must be applicable the degree you are pursuing. If less than 12 credits are applicable to your degree, you will not be eligible for TAP for that semester. Lastly, you must meet the conditions for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), which means you must maintain a certain cumulative GPA, have earned a specific number of credits, and completed (earned a letter grade) as specific number of credits each semester. Specifics information for Satisfactory Academic Progress for TAP can be found on pages 37-38 in the Undergraduate Catalog.
I lost TAP eligibility due to grades/failing SAP requirements, can I get TAP back?
Students who are no longer eligible for TAP due to failing the academic requirements may be able to receive a one-time waiver from New York State. Waiver applications must be obtained and submitted through Office of Student Success & Assessment. If a student fails the academic requirements after being granted a waiver, they will no longer be eligible for TAP for the remainder of their time at Molloy University.
For how many semesters can I receive TAP?
For an Associate Degree you may receive TAP for up to six semesters. You will be limited to six semesters of TAP even if you change majors or transfer to another college. When you enroll in a four-year college program, you will become eligible for an additional two full-time semesters of TAP bringing your undergraduate total to eight semesters. If you are enrolled in a special program, such as HEOP, you may receive up to 10 semesters (or the equivalent) of TAP as an undergraduate.
Can I receive TAP for repeating a course?
If you repeat a course that you previously passed, you may not count the repeated course towards full-time enrollment for TAP purposes. This means that in order to receive TAP in a semester where you may be repeating a course you passed previously that you have, in addition to the repeated course, at least 12 credits or equated credits of non-repeated courses. If you repeat a course that you previously failed, you may include that course towards full-time enrollment for TAP purposes.
Can I receive TAP for remedial courses?
Remedial courses may be counted towards either full-time or part time enrollment for TAP purposes. However, to qualify for TAP, you must always be registered for a certain number of degree credit courses.
How come TAP pays to my account so late?
Certification for TAP awards do not begin until after the add/drop refund period ends, which is typically the fourth week of the semester. Since students must be enrolled full-time to be eligible for TAP, student bills must be finalized before TAP can be certified and paid to student accounts.
Is there TAP for Part-Time Students?
Part-time students may be eligible for a partial TAP award as long as they meet the specific requirements set forth by New York State. PT-TAP recipients must be enrolled in at least six but no more than 11 applicable credits, maintain a 2.0 GPA, and be in good academic standing.
What is the difference between PT-TAP and APTS?
New York State provides Molloy University with a lump sum of money for APTS purposes. The Financial Aid Office awards eligible students with APTS each semester on a first-come, first-serve basis. Awards range from $500 - $1000 per semester.
PT-TAP awards are determined by New York State and students must meet very specific eligibility criteria. Award amounts are determined based on the student's full-time award eligibility pro-rated based on the number of applicable credits the student is enrolled in during the semester PT-TAP is received. For example, if a student's TAP award is $2,000 if they are full-time, but they are only enrolled in 9 applicable credits, PT-TAP would be prorated to 75% (9/12 = 75%) which would be $1,500.Students who are eligible for PT-TAP may also be eligible for APTS. For more information, please reach out to the Financial Aid Office.
Where can I go for more information about my TAP award?
The HESC customer communication center can be reached by telephone toll-free at 1-888-NYS-HESC or by going to
I don't think that I will be eligible for a TAP grant. Why should I bother to complete the form?
It never hurts to apply and let New York State decide whether you are eligible for a TAP grant. The application is easy and you just might qualify. Many students who are not eligible for Pell grants still qualify for TAP.
I missed the link to the TAP on the website when I completed my FAFSA online. Can I get to it any other way?
Yes. You must wait until you receive either an email or a postcard with the web address of TAP on the web. You can then set up a PIN which will allow you to access the TAP on the website and you can complete your TAP application and have it submitted to HESC. You can also navigate to the TAP Application website at -
Financial Aid
For information regarding Financial Aid, please visit the link below.
Link to Financial Aid Office -
Veterans Affairs
Information for Military and Veteran Students please visit the link below.
Link for Military and Veteran Students -
Third Party Employer Billing
For students whose employers offer an education benefit, Molloy University will send a bill directly to the employer for payment provided that the Office of the Bursar receives written authorization to bill the employer. The authorization must indicate that payment will be made upon receipt of the bill and that proof of payment and/or satisfactory grades are not required for payment. This authorization form must be submitted to the Office of the Bursar for processing each semester that the student is requesting employer billing. The Office of the Bursar must receive documentation PRIOR to payment due dates as noted in the Academic Calendar.
Past Due Accounts
Students are responsible for the payment of tuition/room and board bills by the due date as stated on the Student Statement of Account Invoice. The following information includes the billing process and procedures regarding student account balances:
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that their billing address is correct. See the student registration agreement. Should it be necessary to change your personal information, see the Registrar for more information.
The exact due date will be published on the initial billing invoice. This date is linked to the General Registration date. On or after this date, any student who registers for Fall or Spring semesters must pay in full upon registration.
Payment for the Fall semester is due early August, as noted in the Academic Calendar.
Payment for the Spring semester is due early January, as noted in the Academic Calendar.
Students are responsible for monitoring their account for updates and/or changes to their bill. The Office of the Bursar will send out regular correspondence regarding important information and/or updates to student’s accounts. This correspondence will be sent out via mail, email, phone calls and/or text messages.
Approximately two weeks before Registration begins for an upcoming semester, Bursar Holds will be placed on student accounts showing an unpaid balance.
The consequences of a Bursar Hold include:
- Being prevented from making any changes to the student's current registration
- Not being permitted to register for any upcoming semesters
To avoid having a Bursar Hold placed on their account, students may take the following steps:
- Complete all financial aid paperwork according to the filing deadlines. Failure to do so, in a timely manner, causes delays in the awarding of student aid and will result in a past-due balance and a Bursar Hold
- Pay tuition and fees in full, in advance, if financial aid is not yet in place
- Apply for loans (federal/private) before payment due date
- Arrange to have payment applications for Employer Tuition Deferment Plans on file in the Bursar's Office prior to the start of classes each term
- Arrange for the Monthly Payment Plan with Transact to sufficiently cover each semester's charges for tuition and fees
Account holders may expect to receive reminder notifications from Molloy University after an account is 60 days past due. In addition, a late fee, of $50 will be imposed on any outstanding balance 60 days and older. Please see Late Fees for more information.
IMPORTANT: No student will be allowed to register for a new academic semester owing money from a previous semester.
Late Fees
For students whose balances are not paid by the payment due date, late fees will be assessed on the outstanding balance.
- Any anticipated financial aid appearing on the bill will be taken into consideration. The late fee will be assessed on the uncovered balance.
- Tuition reimbursement amounts, confirmed by the employer, will be taken into consideration. The late fee will be assessed on the uncovered balance.
- Future payments expected from the Transact Payment Plan will be taken into consideration as long as the student is up to date with payments and the budget amount is enough to cover the balance. The late fee will be assessed on any uncovered balance.
- The first late fee will be assessed the day after holds go up. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for dates or contact our office for more information.
- The late fee will be assessed each month thereafter through the end of the semester.
- The late fee will be charged at a flat rate of $50 per month until the end of the semester. At the end of the semester, the account will be assigned to the Collections Specialist for review and follow up. The account will go through the collections process.
- The late fee will be waived for any student who can pay the entire balance by the last day of the month in which a late fee was charged. The student must request that the fee be waived—there is no automatic process. The late fee will not be waived for students who make payment after the last day of the month. However, subsequent late fees will be avoided. Students requesting an in-house payment plan will not be permitted to waive a late fee already applied to the account. However, subsequent late fees will be avoided. Students who default on the payment plan, will be charged the late fee retroactively for the months during which payments were not made and a hold placed on the account (BP)
- Except as described above, late fees will NOT be waived for any other reason.
An invoice that is 120 days past due may be referred to a collection agency. This action will result in up to 25% added to the past-due balance and may affect the student's personal credit rating.
*Please note, if the account placed in collections remains unpaid after one year and must be placed with a second collection agency, the fee may be assessed up to 33 1/3%.
IMPORTANT: No student will be allowed to register for a new academic semester owing money from a previous semester.
Bursar FAQ'S
Do students have to pay $400 every semester?
No. Continuing matriculated students are not required to pay a tuition deposit prior to registration. However, you must have a zero balance on your student account or there will be a Bursar Office hold recorded which will prevent registration.How often do I have to do financial aid paperwork?
Financial aid paperwork is renewable each academic year.What is the refund policy?
Please refer to the Tuition Policies and Procedures and Student RefundsHow can I view my bursar account online?
Your bill is posted in the Lion's Den. Go to and click on the 'My Finance' tab and then click on 'My Account Info' to view your statement and pay your bill online.When will I receive a bill and when will it be due?
Bills will no longer be mailed to students. They are available online 24/7 by logging into the student’s Lions Den Account - choosing the My Finances tab; click on Course and Fee Statement – follow prompts.
Bills for the fall semester are available to view mid-July and payment is due early August, as noted in the academic calendar. Bills for the spring semester are available to view mid-December and payment is due early January, as noted in the academic calendar. For summer and winter sessions, full payment of tuition and fees is required by the due date specified in the course offering book. Summer and winter intersession bills are not mailed. After meeting with your advisor, you can view bills online and satisfy any outstanding balances.
Who can the Bursar's Office speak to regarding my bill/account?
In keeping with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Bursar's Office is only able to disclose account information with the student. To authorize access to other individuals, a permission release form must be completed by the student with valid photo identification. Permission release forms are available in the Bursar's Office. Each office has their own FERPA waiver that must be completed by the student granting the office permission to discuss bills. - My 1098-T
Office of the Bursar
Student Financial Services
Wilbur Arts Center
1000 Hempstead Avenue
Wilbur Arts Center, Room Q234