Academic Learning Services

Molloy's Academic Learning Services includes the Writing Center, subject Tutoring Services, and the Learning Commons. Its mission is to provide undergraduates and graduates with peer and professional assistance geared toward developing skills and strategies that support student well-being and academic success.
Students can schedule an in-person or online appointment with a writing or subject tutor by choosing the desired service below.
Making Appointments using WCOnline
To make an appointment for a writing or tutoring session, select one of the following options.
Schedule a Writing Center Appointment
Schedule a Tutoring Services Appointment
If you have not previously used either service, select "Register for an account. "Please note you will also be prompted to set up separate WCOnline accounts for Writing and Tutoring. Once this brief, one-time task is complete for each service, you'll be able to view appointment options and schedule your session(s).
Walk-In Assistance Available in the Learning Commons
The Writing and Tutoring departments have partnered with the JET Library to create a Learning Commons environment, which offers walk-in assistance for writing, biology, chemistry, and math. Here, students are not only immersed in an open learning area that provides access to materials, professionals, information, and peers, but also a full staff of librarians and research support services are only a few steps away. To view available hours and services:
The Writing Center
Molloy University's Writing Center supports the development of writing skills for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students. Any student at Molloy can get assistance with writing a summary or critique, a PowerPoint presentation, an application essay, or a research paper requiring precise use of MLA or APA style format.
Tutoring Services
Molloy University's Tutoring Services prepares students for academic success. The tutoring program will assist you – free of charge – in achieving your academic potential in mathematics, science, and modern languages. Assistance in other disciplines is provided according to individual eligibility.
2023 Award Recipient for Best Team
The Learning Services team, in partnership with the JET Library was voted by the community an exemplar of teamwork and collaboration. The Molloy Team award is given to a Team, Committee, or Department who, through an innovative approach, have demonstrated risk taking, problem solving and creativity to make improvements on behalf of the University.
Contact Us
Writing Center
Casey Hall 016
Lower Level
Tutoring Services
Casey Hall 012
Lower Level
Learning Commons
Located in the JET Library
2nd Floor, Kellenberg Hall