Laptop Loan Request

Cupola atop a building on the Molloy University campus

My signature on this form represents my acceptance to return the laptop/Chromebook on the date above. I understand that the device should be returned to the Information Commons (Public Square, 2nd Floor) or Technology Support Services (Kellenberg 22). In the event of equipment failure, the device should be returned to the Information Commons (Public Square, 2nd Floor) or Technology Support Services (Kellenberg 22) and I understand that any files saved on the hard drive will be deleted upon return.


Failure to return the device within the required time may result in a referral to Student Affairs for review through student conduct process. In the event that equipment is returned broken you will be responsible for the cost of the device. Requests for long-term extensions must be made through Student Affairs at or for short-term ones, please contact Stephen Lewis, Manager of Academic Computing Services at 516-323-4813 or