Checklist for Successful Hybrid & Online Learners

For the benefit of Molloy students who are taking their first online or hybrid courses with us, the Office of Blended and Online Learning has developed the Checklist for Being a Successful Hybrid and Online Learner. Students are encouraged to check our BOL Student Resources LibGuide for additional resources and related to this checkilst or to contact our office at
Successful Hybrid and Online Learners:
The following checklist is based on research and best practices and should guide students through their online and hybrid learning experiences successfully.
1. Confirm technical requirements.
Make sure you have access to a computer on a regular basis to login and complete your online work. Molloy’s Technology Support Services can be reached can be reached via phone: (516) 323-4800 or email: Canvas, our learning management system, can be accessed at 24/7 Canvas support is available for students at (844) 408-6455. For live chat, login to Canvas and click on the Help link.
2. Create a schedule and stay organized.
Time management is very important when learning online. Note due dates for assignments, online discussions, and any other online activities while accounting for hours of work required for your course.
3. Establish a study routine.
Find a quiet area free from distractions is integral to being a successful learner.
4. Read all course materials carefully.
Read the syllabus and Canvas course content.
5. Login to your course and Molloy email frequently.
Stay updated on announcements, discussions, and due dates by logging in to your online course and checking your Molloy email account frequently.
6. Ask questions and stay connected.
Reach out to your instructor if you have any questions about your course. Most instructors will respond within 36 hours.
7. Submit your work early, if possible.
Don't wait until the last minute to submit your work and keep copies of work submitted.
8. Monitor your performance.
Access the Canvas gradebook to keep track of your progress and or contact your instructor.
9. Download the Canvas mobile app.
Review the Canvas Student Mobile Guides to learn more.
10. Know what resources are available to you.
Check out our BOL Student Resources LibGuide, and if you need help, contact us at
Contact us
Office of Blended and Online Learning
Student Support