Center For Access and Disability (Access)

Center For Access and Disability (Access)
Molloy University provides a supportive environment for students with documented disabilities or chronic illness and is committed to complying with all applicable provisions of:
- The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA)
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
The Center for Access and Disability (Access) at Molloy University strives to provide access to an equal educational experience for qualified students with documented disabilities, while ensuring that the integrity of all college standards and requirements is maintained. In support of the University’s commitment to transformative education, Access aspires to educate the Molloy community so as to increase awareness, knowledge, and integration of those with disabilities.
Accommodations and Services
The Center for Access and Disability provides accommodations and services to students with documented disabilities or chronic illness in various areas of campus and academic life. Accommodations and services are designed to equalize opportunities and access, not to lower the academic standard for Access students or to alter the essential nature of the degree requirements. Appointments are scheduled on an as-needed basis to determine which accommodations and/or services may be appropriate.
Accommodations are determined between the student and Access on a case-by-case basis and can vary widely from student to student. Determination can be an ongoing interactive process in some cases. If a student feels their accommodations may need to be adjusted after approval, the student should meet with us to discuss and reassess their needs.
Examples of Common Accommodations (*but not limited to):
- Extended time on exams
- Separate distraction-reduced location for exams
- Use of recording device for lectures
- Use of calculator
- Scribe for exams
- Test Reader
- Enlarged print
Services Offered
In addition to accommodations, the Center for Access and Disability also offers services to students who are registered with Access. These services are at no additional cost to the student. Below are optional services Access students may feel free to utilize or not based on individual preference.
- Access Orientation
- Access Discussion Groups
- Peer contacts (Student Contacts)
- Academic Coaching
- Academic counseling, as needed
Accommodation Process
If you are a prospective or current student and would like to discuss your eligibility, please follow the steps below. If you have any questions, you may contact us by phone at (516)323-3315/3316 or email at
Request Accommodations
Students requesting accommodations must contact the Center for Access and Disability to initiate the process.
You must first complete our online Accommodation Request Form, which you can click on below:
Accommodation Request Form -
Provide Documentation
Students are required to provide documentation from a qualified professional of their disability or chronic illness. You may upload your documents to the online Accommodation Request Form or you may email them to us at
Acceptable Documentation :
Examples are IEP or 504 Plan or a letter from your healthcare provider that:
- States a specific diagnosis
- Describes the current functional impact
- Is recent (within the last 3 years)
- Is comprehensive
- Includes recommendation for accommodations
- Evaluation must be completed by a properly credentialed professional who has no personal relationship with the individual being evaluated
Please Keep in Mind
- All documentation will be reviewed with the Access Directors on an individual case-by-case basis
- Determination of accommodations is an ongoing and interactive process
- Documentation of a specific disability does not guarantee specific accommodations
- After initial review, additional documentation may be required.
Meet with Access for Approval of Accommodations
Students must meet with Access staff to determine reasonable accommodations.
To schedule an appointment, please click one of the links below to choose virtual or in-person:
- Virtual: Schedule a Virtual Zoom Appointment
- In-Person: Schedule an In-person Appointment
Before initial approval of accommodations, we meet with the student to discuss your needs and reasonable accommodations, as well as an overview of our procedures. Determination of reasonable accommodations is an ongoing and interactive process between the student and Access.
Accommodation Letters
Once reasonable accommodations are approved, an Accommodation Letter will be generated electronically to your student email and to your professor's email. Accommodation letters need to be renewed prior to EVERY semester. You can view your accommodation letters and renew your accommodations on Accommodate by following the link below:
Login to Accommodate -
Using Testing Accommodations
Once accommodations are determined, it is the student's choice whether or not to utilize them. In order to use testing accommodations, student's must sign up for tests to be taken in the Testing Center at least 1 week (7 days) in advance of every test/quiz. Test sign up is done online through Accommodate.
Click on the link below to login to Accommodate, then choose "Testing Center":
Sign Up for Testing Center -
Temporary Accommodations
Students who have injuries, surgeries, or other conditions that will temporarily restrict them may contact the Center for Access and Disability to arrange for reasonable short-term accommodations. Documentation will be required.
Follow the link below to request temporary accommodations:
Request Accommodations
Contact Our Staff
Cari Rose-Tomo
Kathy Brunet
Assistant Director
Leigh Weilandics
Administrative Assistant
Contact Us
Center for Access and Disability
Office: Casey Building, Room 017
Testing Center: Casey Building, Room 011