Faculty Council

Cupola atop a building on the Molloy University campus

Faculty Council

The Molloy University Governance Structure legislative body of the University, consists of representatives of the administration, faculty, students, and staff.  This group formulates policy relative to the college community as a whole, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees.  All issues affecting the college as a whole come before the Molloy University Governance Structure.  Matters which concern only individual constituencies of the university--faculty or student or administration--are considered by separate specialized bodies.

The Faculty Council is the representative of the teaching faculty of Molloy University. Its purposes are to represent the teaching faculty to the various constituencies of the university, to regulate the internal affairs of the teaching faculty, to provide an efficient system of standing committees, to initiate studies of matters of faculty interest and concern, and to participate in the formation and implementation of major college policies that affect the faculty.  As need arises the Faculty Council may constitute ad hoc committees for the purpose of accomplishing its objectives.  

The Faculty Council consists of the faculty president and six faculty councilors, all of whom must be elected from the full-time faculty.  

Spring 2025 Faculty Council

Faculty Council Member School Email
Michael Russo, President School of Arts and Sciences mrusso@molloy.edu
Susan Alimonti Barbara H. Hagan School of Nursing and Health Sciences salimonti@molloy.edu
Steven Kent School of Business skent@molloy.edu
Donna Iucolano School of Business diucolano@molloy.edu
Maria Dove School of Education and Human Services mdove@molloy.edu
Carrie McDermott Goldman School of Education and Human Services cmcdermott@molloy.edu
Freida Pemberton Barbara H. Hagan School of Nursing and Health Sciences fpemberton@molloy.edu
Kimberly Engels School of Arts and Sciences kengels@molloy.edu
Saihan Borghjid School of Arts and Sciences sborghjid@molloy.edu

Faculty Council

Faculty Council

Kellenberg 3rd Floor
1000 Hempstead Avenue
Rockville Centre, New York 11571-5002