Pre-Approved Off-Campus Courses

Pre-Approval Off-Campus Courses
Pursuing courses at other institutions while matriculating at Molloy University is an exception to policy and requires formal permission before enrollment.
The following steps guide current matriculating students interested in enrolling in an off-campus course:
1. The student discusses interests with the academic advisor, program chair, or director to determine possible departmental/school approval. If the program indicates that departmental and school-level approval may be possible, the program and student review the possible courses and select possible equivalent courses.
2. The student and advisor review the program’s student handbook and transfer credit policies located in the current academic catalog that include but are not limited to the:
a. Transfer Courses after Matriculation: Off-Campus Permission
b. Residency Requirements – Transfer Work states that the last 30 credits toward graduation normally must be completed at Molloy, and transfer credit totals are limited to the totals defined in Molloy’s transfer policies.
c. Since the transfer credits are not part of a degree from another institution, Students may not repeat courses for credit or a better grade at other institutions. All courses that must be repeated must be retaken at Molloy.
d. Permission is required before enrollment at the other school. Permission will not be granted to attend any other Institution, nor will credits be accepted if the student has already begun attendance at another school before requesting and receiving approval from the Molloy University Office of the Registrar.
3. The student or advisor completes the Permission to Enroll in Courses at Other Institutions form that is accessible when logged on to Lions Den under My Academics or from the academic school, Office of Student Success, the Office of the Registrar, or the Student Solution Center.
4. After all permissions are secured and the rationale for the request is provided, the form is delivered to the Office of Student Success and Assessment for review and to determine eligibility before the form is submitted to The Registrar's Office.
5. If eligibility is determined, The Office of Student Success and Assessment submits the completed Permission to Enroll in Courses at Other Institutions form to The Registrar 's Office and notifies the student.
6. The Office of the Registrar processes the request only once the completed Permission to Enroll in Courses at Other Institutions form and the final transcript is received and notifies the student of the approval. The course credit will only be accepted and applied to the student's record if the grade recorded on the transcript satisfies Molloy's requirements of a grade of “C” or better. A grade higher than "C" may be required by the student’s major department or program of study at Molloy for the transfer coursework to meet a program requirement. The grade of “P” is also acceptable under the same rules that govern that grade at Molloy. A grade of “P” must be designated as equivalent to a grade of “C” at the other institution. Special permission must be given by Molloy to take a course for a grade of “P”, in addition to the" Application for Permission to Enroll in Courses at Other Institutions."
For assistance, students should contact their advisor or academic school, then the Office of Student Success and Assessment at or the Office of the Registrar at