Academic Advising

Academic advising is one of the most important services available to Molloy University students. It is much more than the technical approval of course selection. Academic advising is critical to student success, connecting each student to a faculty member who will guide and mentor them during their time at Molloy.
Each academic department is responsible to assign faculty advisors to declared majors who fall within their department. Undeclared students are assigned advisors who will give them guidance regarding academic programs which may be of interest and the opportunity for self-reflection about skills and interests. These advisors are assigned by the Associate Dean for Academic Services. All advisors provide course selection assistance, appropriate referrals to college offices, career advice and assistance interpreting policies and procedures. Advisors listen, support and provide guidance when problems arise.
Current students can learn the name and contact information of their advisor by logging in to Lion's Den. Advisors can obtain a list of their advisees through Lions Den and advisors will receive a status sheet for each new advisee from the Admissions Office. Undeclared students’ academic advisors are assigned in early October.
Students: Making the most of your Academic Advising Sessions
Before your Appointment
• Check Lions Den for your correct contact information, major/minor, and grades Review the Molloy College Course Catalog• Understand the progression requirements for your major, as well as the College's academic policies and procedures• Make use of the advising tools in Lions Den, such as your current status, "what if" scenarios, and your degree requirements needed and met• Make an appointment with your advisor at a time when you know that you will not be late. Prepare for your meeting by reserving courses in Lions Den
During your Advising Appointment
• Attend on time, bring questions and areas that you want to discuss• Ask questions to gain a better understanding of an issue or of your course of study• Ask the advisor what is his preferred way to communicate between appointments
After your Appointment
• Print your registration confirmation• Follow up on any assignments or suggestions from your advisor
Additional Resources for Students
Academic Support Services
Curriculum and General Education Requirements
FERPA Rights Notification
Student Personal Counseling Center
Student Solutions Center