Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research

Cupola atop a building on the Molloy University campus

Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference (MURC)

The Molloy Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference (MURC) provides a venue for Molloy undergraduates to present the findings of their research projects in poster or short oral format. The conference is truly multidisciplinary, having representation from all four Schools of Molloy University and receiving submissions from varied academic disciplines. The mission of MURC is to promote and celebrate the undergraduate research experience as well as showcase each selected undergraduate student’s specific research inquiries and findings. MURC provides a unique experience for students to present their research projects publicly to an academically diverse audience while sharing why they chose their topic; how they generated their research questions; what they found (or not) concerning these questions; and, how they went about trying to answer these questions while underscoring the significance of their project.

 Students submit a short abstract of their research project, ideally written with at least consultation with their research mentor, which is reviewed by a select review committee composed of MURC Organizing Committee members for appropriateness and adherence to MURC guidelines (including approval of human subjects-related research for review by the Molloy University Institutional Review Board). All students must include the name of a Molloy University Faculty mentor with their submission. Students select their preferred presentation format, poster or oral, but the ultimate selection for presentation format is made by the Review Committee. The first MURC in Spring 2024 had over thirty presentations and over one hundred attendees and was widely deemed successful in its mission of promoting undergraduate student research projects. MURC will continue to be held annually each Spring.

Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Newsletter (MURN)

The Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Newsletter (MURN) summarizes the first conference and information regarding this year's upcoming conference.

Upcoming 2025 MURC

Contact Us

Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Committee

Molloy University