Additional Resources

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Additional Resources

Below are additional resources for students travelling with us, as well as extra travel information.

  • Scholarships


    Molloy University is committed to offering scholarships and funding resources to eligible students participating in international programs. Below are scholarships designated specifically for study abroad students.

    Students interested in applying for any of the following scholarships should stop by our office in Public Square 310 or email

    Sister Rose Teresa Amor, O.P. Global Learning Travel Fund

    Awarded to a full-time student who is planning to study abroad in a short travel program. The student must have a minimum cumulative index of 3.0.


    Sister Rose Teresa Amor, O.P. Study Abroad Scholarship

    Awarded to a full-time student to help defray the cost of a student's study abroad effort. Preference given to those participating in semester study abroad. The student must have a minimum cumulative index of 3.0

    The application for these scholarships can be accessed here 

    Students chosen for a scholarship will be contacted by the Office of International Education and The Office of Financial Aid via their Molloy University email. 

  • Passport Resources
  • Postgraduate Travel Opportunities

    Students looking to further their international education after graduating from Molloy University may be interested in the following programs: