Honors Program

Honors Program
Program Mission
The Mission of the Honors Program is to successfully educate and graduate students who are informed global citizens. The Honors Program develops students’ critical thinking and ethical reasoning skills through investigation of the world in and beyond our immediate geographic, social, and cultural surroundings. We seek to understand, affirm, and articulate diverse perspectives in order to constructively shape the future by taking action to advance social justice locally and globally.
We do this in personalized cohort models of nursing, liberal arts and CAP 21 theatre students where you truly get to know your fellow honors classmates and faculty.
Program Description
The Molloy University Honors Program traverses all majors and provides students with an academic opportunity that thematically integrates diverse disciplines. This program attempts to challenge students across all disciplines by identifying common interests and goals that address the many issues of global concern. The journey begins in the freshman year as participants in the Honors Freshman Learning Community. By the end of the freshman year, the honors students begin to synthesize the components of the program as participants in the international travel experiences and seminars.
During the final semester of the program, all Honor students must complete a capstone project in order to graduate with Honors Program distinction. Students who have completed the Honors course work will be matched with a faculty mentor who will assist in helping students design a project that synthesizes knowledge gained from academic and scholarly course work and that of their travel and experiences relative to the program and their major. The Honors students will have the privilege to share their insights with the Molloy Community and the option to submit their work to the National Collegiate Honors Council as well as the Northeast Regional Honors Council.
Program Goals
The goals of the Honors Program are to:
- graduate informed and engaged global citizens.
- value diversity and the wealth of perspectives it brings.
- develop a historical framework for referencing current global issues.
- demonstrate an awareness of the cultural, social, and political issues both past and present.
- act individually and collaboratively.
- explain the interdependence of events from global and local perspectives.
- demonstrate ongoing leadership skills needed to address issues of global and local concerns.
- develop an understanding of the liberal arts and sciences as expressions of our culture and experience in the world.
- develop an understanding of diverse disciplines and their relation to one another.
- develop socially responsible learners and leaders.
Program Outcomes
Upon completion of the Honors Program, Students will be able to:
- evaluate and assess complex global and local issues with an informed perspective to offer suggestions for change and/or enhancement of practices.
- demonstrate an understanding of the liberal arts and sciences as expressions of our culture and experience in the world through awareness of the cultural, social and political issues, past and present.
- demonstrate the culmination and benefits of a liberal arts education through a highly developed ability to discuss local, national and global issues through the lens of more than one discipline.
- demonstrate an awareness of how beliefs and values influence the political, social and local decision-making processes, perceptions about social justice and civic engagement.
- recognize the challenges and demonstrate the leadership skills needed both individually and collectively when addressing complex social issues.
- demonstrate the critical thinking and leadership skills needed to interact ethically and responsibly with local, national, and international communities.
Admission Process
Membership in Molloy University Honors is open to incoming freshmen who have been invited to the program. Acceptance to the Honors Program is based on superior academic achievement. Molloy prides itself on students learning from one another and being a part of a consistent cohort.
Program Requirements
Honors Program Requirements
Honors Program Requirements for Nursing Majors
Honors Program Requirements for Theatre Arts Majors
Capstone Seminar
The Honors Capstone Seminar takes place in the senior year and are small classes with a faculty mentor who is able to guide students throughout the process. The mentors allow a lot of freedom in student selection of the project. Students can work in small groups or independently but their mentor remains available to offer support and listen to ideas. Students may register for the capstone seminar only after all honors courses have been completed or during the same semester as COR.
The Honors Capstone project is the culmination of everything learned over four years within the Honors Program curriculum. During the Capstone Seminar, students choose a topic that they identify as being a specific global issue and then use the skills and knowledge learned throughout the Honors Program courses in order to assess the issue and propose solutions to these global issues. It is here the students begin the process of cultivating and synthesizing their academic, cultural, social and service experiences in the development of this final project.
The honors students are given the privilege to share their insights with the Molloy community at the annual honors capstone presentation event. Students are also encouraged to submit their work to the National Collegiate Honors Council, the Northeast Regional Honors or another academic venue for presentation consideration. All honor students must complete a capstone project in order to graduate with honors program distinction.
Some examples of capstone projects may include but not limited to: Reflective paper; preparing a lecture recital or performance; developing a web site; art exhibit; proposal submission to a local community boards; village boards, etc...On ideas for positive change, community engagement projects, service-learning projects, involvement with local government. All proposals are due by the registration period of the previous semester. Honors students only. (Offered fall, spring) 1 credit.
Contact Information
Howard Ponzer, Ph.D.
Director, Molloy University Honors Program
Chair/Philosophy Department
1000 Hempstead Ave., Siena 108
Rockville Centre, New York 11571-5002
Elizabeth Mandracchia
Honors Program Administrative Coordinator, School of Arts and Sciences