Requirements for SPED Certification Pathway

Requirements for SPED Certification Pathway
New York State offers a number of pathways to teacher certification. One pathway is the: "Individual Evaluation for Additional Certificate Pathway". It is designed for teachers who hold a valid New York State Teaching Certificate and wish to earn an additional certification, such as, TESOL Certification, without having to earn an additional degree. Candidates for NYS certification through this "Individual Pathway" must meet certain Content Core and Pedagogical Core requirements and must also meet any non-coursework requirements, such as the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations and fingerprint clearance, as specified. These requirements are outlined below:
NYS Certification Requirements Pathway: Additional Classroom Teaching Certificate for All Grades
The following is the list of requirements from the New York State Office of Teaching Initiatives website on approved pathway for:
Pathway:Additional Classroom Teaching Certificate(Must hold a valid certificate)
- Holds a Valid NYS Classroom Teaching Certificate
- College Coursework - English Language Arts - 6 S.H.
- College Coursework - Concepts in Historical and Social Sciences - 6 S.H.
- College Coursework - Scientific Processes - 6 S.H.
- College Coursework - Mathematical Processes - 6 S.H.
- Pedagogical Core - Teaching Literacy Skills Methods - 3 S.H.
- Additional Pedagogy - Students With Disabilities - 12 S.H.
- College Coursework - Foundations of Special Education - Students with Disabilities
- College Coursework - Assessment, Diagnosis and Evaluation of Students with Disabilities
- College Coursework - Curriculum and Instruction for Students with Disabilities
- College Coursework - Managing the Environment for Students with Disabilities
- Content Specialty Test (CST) - Students With Disabilities or Safety Net Students With Disabilities
- Content Specialty Test (CST) - Specified Multi-Subject Examination
- Workshop - Child Abuse Identification
- Workshop - School Violence Intervention and Prevention
- Workshop - Autism
- Workshop - Dignity For All Students Act
- Fingerprint Clearance
The number of courses that you may need can be confusing. Since this is an individual pathway to certification and does not lead to a degree, the only definitive answer about how many courses that you may need must come from NY State because you may have taken courses in your past that satisfy course requirements. We suggest looking at the courses that you have taken to see if any of those courses are similar to what is required by NYS. If any course that you've taken sounds similar, I would suggest holding off taking that course or courses until you receive the official notification from NYS.
To have a definitive answer as to how many courses you may need you must actually apply for certification by going to the following webpage: NYS Office of Teaching Initiatives and file for TESOL certification (listed as English to Speakers of Other Languages on the NYS web page) to find out which courses that you have taken before may qualify. Do this as soon as possible - even before you enroll in any courses! You will be notified of anything additional you need to take or any missing requirements. Your credits don't "expire", so as long as you can produce a college transcript for the courses and the courses match the NYS requirements, you will be able to get credit for them. Therefore, send all your college transcripts to NYS for evaluation. You have nothing to lose. The evaluation process can take up to 3 months or more, so you should start the process right away. There is a $100 fee to apply for TESOL certification, but once you've paid the fee you do not have to pay it again as long as you complete the process within two years and do not ask for more than two evaluations.
CST in Students With Disabilities
One of the requirements for Students With Disabilities certification is to take and pass the Content Specialty Test (CST) in Students With Disabilities test (test # 060).
For information on the exam, visit the NYS webpage for the CST in Students With Disabilities at: You will find information about the test on the site, including signing up for the exam. If you look on the right-hand side of the page, at the top of the column, there is a link: Preparation Materials. You'll find some information there on how to prepare for the exam, including a study guide and tutorials. That is generally all the teachers need to prepare for the exam.
For additional information, e-mail Krista Lombardo at