Marketing Strategy and Planning Badge

Cupola atop a building on the Molloy University campus

Marketing communication is key when interacting with various stakeholders. It takes place at all levels in business and helps to achieve overarching organizational goals. The Marketing Strategy and Planning Badge is designed to educate students on how to effectively communicate to their existing or prospective consumers, therefore, leveraging consumer relationships and increasing brand-loyalty. Students completing this badge could pursue employment within all areas of industry specializing in branding strategies, integrated marketing communications, and building consumer relationships. Students will develop their knowledge and skills which they can implement in industry upon completion of this badge.

The Marketing Strategy and Planning Badge consists of three undergraduate courses that will provide students with the appropriate knowledge on how to communicate to various consumer markets.  Courses include topics such as the consumer decision-making process, building brand-loyal customers, integrated marketing communications, and approaches toward navigating the marketing environment.  All coursework is focused on knowing your customer, building long-term relationships, and cultivating your consumer base.   Please note that all of the courses are part of our undergraduate business program. The program is open to students who have a high school diploma or GED.  

The Undergraduate Marketing Strategy and Planning Badge consists of three (3) courses:
MKT 2350 - Consumer Behavior (offered both Fall/Spring semesters online asynchronous)
MKT 3440 - Advertising and Integrated Marketing (offered Fall only online asynchronous)
MKT 3370 - Marketing Strategy (offered Fall only in-person)

Course Descriptions
Please click here for course descriptions.  

Course Sequence, Format and Schedule of Classes:
Students may start their courses at the beginning of the fall or spring semester. The semester(s) in which the courses are offered is listed after the course titles above. Please note that certain courses are only offered in certain semesters. The courses are offered online or in-person on a fourteen (14) week schedule. The online courses are offered in either an asynchronous format, meaning that they are not taught in "real time" or in a synchronous format, which is taught in real time on the dates and times listed. With an  asynchronous format students do not have to attend at a given time. You can log on at any time to take the course. However, there will be assignments that will be due at specific times. You will also have opportunities to engage with other students in your courses, helping you gain a network of classmates who share your professional interests.

Fall 2025 Schedule of Classes- registration opens in late May- Date TBD

 MKT 2350-02  Consumer Behavior TR 1:50-3:15pm, 9/3/25-12/17/25

 MKT 3370-02  Marketing Strategy MW 10:40am-12:05pm 9/3/25-12/17/25

Tuition and Payment
Each course in each of the programs is offered at $945 per 3-credit course. There are no application or course fees. This is a discounted tuition rate. Tuition is normally approximately $4,000 per 3-credit course. There are no other additional discounts given.

You will not be able to pay at the time of registration. Instead you will be billed and bills are generally sent out once a month in the middle of the month. However, you may login to your account 1 full business day after you register to pay for your course(s). Visit Lion's Den (Molloy's registration system) here and use your Username and Password to login. Click on the 'My Finance' tab and then click on 'My Account Info' to view your statement and pay your bill online. Payment can be made using: MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or ACH check.

Application and Registration 
The programs do not have traditional application deadline dates. The registration process is simple because participants are not applying for a Molloy degree. There is an online application that students must complete. There is no application fee and entrance exams are not required. It is recommended that students register in advance of the course start date to guarantee their seat.

Additional Information and Links:

Questions? If you have any questions regarding these programs, please contact Daiana Cepin, Administrative Assistant, School of Business at or (516) 323-3120.