Catholic High School Entrance Exam/TACHS

TACHS/CHSEE Exam will be held TBD. The exam prep will be offered at both our Rockville Centre and Suffolk Campus (Amityville) starting in September (dates TBD).
Please note that the Diocese of Rockville Centre Department of Education announced, in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, that their CHSEE team has partnered with the Diocese of Brooklyn and the Archdiocese of New York to use the same online Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools (TACHS) exam for all students. Registration details for the TACHS exam will be available on the CHSEE website, .
The two exams are similar and Molloy University has adjusted it's curriculum to reflect the material covered in the TACHS exam.
Eighth graders planning to attend any of the 10 Catholic high schools on Long Island are required to take this rigorous, annual entrance exam in November. Students review the math, reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar skills on the exam and learn test-taking strategies to help them work faster and more confidently to maximize their score. All materials are included. Classes are completed before the November exam and are taught by experienced teachers. The classes are taught over six Saturdays at our Rockville Centre campus located at 1000 Hempstead Avenue, Rockville Centre or at our Suffolk Campus in Amityville.
Students can choose from two locations and 3 different times at Rockville Centre and at Suffolk:
- Rockville Centre campus located at: 1000 Hemptead Avene, Rockville Centre on:
- Suffolk Center campus located at: 1100 N. Broadway, Amityville on:
Course number: CH2400
Tuition is $550 (with credit card=$566.23). To avoid credit card fees, you can register online with a check or in person with cash
Exam and Course Information
CHSEE/TACHS Exam: There are two sections of the CHSEE/TACHS. Section 1: Abilities consists of questions normally found on a group IQ test. This part of the exam is not released to the public and is used in various ways, depending upon the Catholic high school to which your child is applying. Some high schools use this section to group students after they have been admitted. Some high schools may use this section as part of their admissions process. Some may not use this section in the admissions process. Our course provides limited practice in some of the types of questions that may be found in Section 1.
Our prep course focuses primarily on preparing students for Section 2: Achievement, which consists of five parts: Reading Comprehension, Word Study, Grammar, Mathematics, and Writing. This is the longest and most important section of the exam; it is used in the admissions process by all of the Catholic high schools.
Course Materials: Your child will receive a spiral-bound manual containing all of the course materials including paper for notes, and more than one hundred pages of review materials. Your child should bring the following to each session: 1) the spiral-bound course manual, 2) the red practice book 3) one pen, and 4) two #2 pencils. Notebooks are not necessary.
Homework: Your child will be assigned CHSEE/TACHS homework in English and mathematics for each of the five sessions. The CHSEE/TACHS English and math teachers will go over the homework in class with the exception of the last homework, completion of the 2010 CHSEE/TACHS, which students should do at home after session #4 under a parent's guidance. An answer key will be provided for the 2010 CHSEE/TACHS.
Calculators: Your child will not be permitted to use a calculator on the CHSEE/TACHS. Consequently, your child should not bring one to class.
Registering for the CHSEE/TACHS Exam: You must register your child for the November CHSEE/TACHS exam. You can register him or her for the exam by visiting the Catholic High School Administrators' website: Please note that the deadline for online registration for the exam is usually during the first week of October. The CHSEE/TACHS is NOT administered at Molloy University nor do we register your child for the exam. Note: If your child requires special testing accommodations, please make sure to fill out the additional required forms on the Catholic High School Administrators' website.
Food/Drinks: Molloy College does not permit eating or drinking in classrooms with the exception of water. Please do not pack these items for your child.
Breaks: There are no breaks in the 1 hour and 55 minute sessions. Your child may use the restroom as needed.
Absences: There are no makeup sessions but your child should make up the missed class work and homework. The homework and class work assignments for each session are on the reverse side of the course outline in the front of your child's spiral bound manual.
Early Release: A written note from a parent is required for a child to be released early from class.
Schedule and Registration Information
Students should register for classes at least one week prior to the start of classes to insure enough time for you to get your confirmation and parking permit. However, you can register up until the Friday before the class start date. Please note that some of our classes do close out and, so you may be taking a chance of not getting into the schedule of your choice by waiting.
Click here for the schedule of classes and to register online
Phone‑in registration is available by calling 516.323.3550 with your MasterCard, Discover or Visa. If you pay by credit card there will be a fee of 2.95% for domestic cards and 4.25% for international cards added to the tuition. You can avoid the credit card fee by paying with a check online.