Molloy Institute for Lifelong Learning

Cupola atop a building on the Molloy University campus

MILL Program classes (MILL I, II and III) will be offered in-person!

MILL feeds your love of learning - at any age

The Molloy University Institute for Lifelong Learning (MILL) program is a membership program that has been in existence at Molloy University since 1992. Most members are retirees, however, not everyone is retired, nor is this a requisite for membership. Many members are consultants, work part time, own their own business or volunteer and are therefore at liberty to participate in day activities. Some members are in their fifties, sixties, seventies, some in their eighties and beyond. All ages are welcome, men and women, singles or couples, as long as there is a willingness to participate in learning and to maintain a rigorous mind.

Members have one thing in common: love of learning, leading an interesting, stimulating and satisfying life. The Molloy Institute limits the size of the membership to keep a genial and warm atmosphere among the group, thereby promoting a close rapport with other learners, faculty and presenters.

As a member of MILL you are also entitled to audit undergraduate credit classes on a space available basis (Rockville Centre MILL Groups only). Your participation is encouraged regardless of your previous level of formal education and scholarships are available. MILL membership is culturally diversified and invites participants from varied religions and ethnic backgrounds.

Open House:
Learn more about the MILL program at our free online Open House for Fall 2025 (TBA) by calling Jessie Prasad, MILL Program Coordinator at 516.323.3940. or email her at:   The Open House will be conducted  via Zoom.  The Zoom link will be emailed to participants the week before. 

Please note: we have resumed in-person meetings again. We are suggesting that all continuing education students, including those taking the MILL program lectures, be vaccinated. However, masks are no longer required of students while indoors.   

Summer 2025: We will once again be running one summer session of MILL lectures on the Rockville Centre campus on the following schedule: 6 weeks from July 16th through August 20th  (Wednesdays) for $150.  10AM - 2:30PM, 3 lectures per day. 

Summer 2025 schedule: TBA

Summer 2025: To register, call 516-323-3940.

There are three MILL chapters that offer lectures from September - June:

MILL I  meets on Tuesdays in Rockville Centre
MILL II meets on Fridays in Rockville Centre
MILL III meets on Wednesdays in Amityville

When joining one must decide which day is preferable for one's schedule. There is no minimum nor maximum age to belong to the Institute. All you need is a desire to learn and to enjoy friendly and stimulating people. Members are invited to present one session to their group each year. By leading one session on current events, book or movie review, or a personal experience, the member is able to feel closer to the group and the group with the presenter. Trips are scheduled throughout the year.

Membership requires an application and there are a limited number of memberships available. Membership is valid from September 1 to August 31 each year and lectures usually start mid-September and runs until mid-June. However, it is possible to join one of the MILL groups throughout the year if space is available. We invite and encourage interested applicants to come to a session prior to joining MILL. 

MILL Activities:

- Attend weekly sessions
- Classes presented by Molloy University Faculty
- Lectures are offered by professionals from health care, legal or criminal justice systems and representatives from local, national or international  organizations
- Experts from literary, scientific and musical arenas share their knowledge
- Members volunteer to participate or lead peer presentations on current events, book or movie discussions, etc.
- MILLs may join choral, readers group or write for the MILL newspaper and other committees
- Join trips to local attractions and further destinations (some trips incur additional cost)

Typical Day at Mill:

MILL I Group- *Tuesdays and MILL II Group- *Fridays
9:30 a.m. - Meet and socialize
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Class
11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Class
12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lunch (not included in fee)
1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Class

*Tuesday and Friday groups meet on or near Molloy's Rockville Centre campus.

MILL III Group- **Wednesdays
9:30 a.m. - Meet and socialize
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Class
11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Class

**Wednesday group meets on or near Molloy's Suffolk Center campus in Amityville.

Why Should you Join MILL?

- Enhance your health and stay young
- Invigorate social contacts
- Stimulate your intellect
- Meet people who are eager to meet you
- Attend frequent symposia, seminars, concerts, plays, many other activities sponsored by the University (mostly without fees)
- Membership card entitles members to discounts in the community and for activities at Madison Theatre

The Institute uses the facilities and scholarly ambiance of Molloy University to provide learning experiences for the young in mind and spirit. Come spend the day listening to lectures given by interesting professors or other professionals in various fields of expertise. You may take the opportunity to share your own knowledge with fellow members. Fill your days with seminars, book reviews, film discussions, concerts and plays.

Membership and Fees:

MILL I (Tuesdays) & MILL II (Fridays)- both meet on or near Molloy's Rockville Centre campus. The annual membership fee for either MILL I or II is $525 for individuals and $900 for couples. 

MILL III (Wednesdays)- meets at Molloy's Suffolk Center  campus in Amityville. The annual membership fee for MILL III is $325 for individuals and $500 for couples.

Membership is valid from September 1 to August 31 each year and lectures usually start mid-September and runs through until mid-June . However, it is possible to join one of the MILL groups throughout the year if space is available. We invite and encourage interested applicants to come to a session prior to joining MILL. 

For an application, to schedule a free visit to one of our lectures or for further information call Jessie Prasad, MILL Program Assistant at 516.323.3940. or email her at:    You can also download a brochure with an application by clicking here academics/additional-programs/continuing-education/personal-enrichment/molloy-institute-for-lifelong-learning/mill-brochure.pdf.

You will be able to pay for your classes online by ACH check or by MasterCard, Visa or Discover credit card. If you pay by credit card there will be a fee of 2.95% for domestic cards and 4.25% for international cards added to the tuition. 

Office of Continuing Education and Professional Studies

Continuing Education and Professional Studies

1000 Hempstead Avenue Rockville Centre, New York 11571-5002