Strategic Plan Committee Charge

The President’s Charge to the Strategic Planning Committee for Phases II and III of the Strategic Planning Process
During the 2022-2023 academic year, the SPC will develop Phase II of the plan by developing Goals and for the Strategic Plan Priorities that were approved by the Board of Trustees in May 2022. Members from the SPC will work together with vice presidents and associated staff members to collaboratively establish goals through conversations and partnership with faculty, staff, administrative and student groups. Phase II should be completed by early December 2022, with the Goals endorsed through the Priorities and Planning Committee and sent to the President for approval. The President will forward the Phase IT Goals and Objectives to the Board of Trustees for their approval in January 2023.
Once the Board approves the Goals, the President’s Cabinet will work with the Strategic Planning Committee and university stakeholders to develop Phase III of the Strategic Planning process, which is to create Objectives and Key Performance Indicators. As defined by the Society for College and University Planning, an Objective is a specific, measurable outcome an institution intends to accomplish. With Priorities, Goals, and Objectives in place, the President and President's Cabinet, in collaboration with university stakeholders, will work closely with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness/Research to create Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that may be informed by data available in reports such as IPEDS, the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) Financial Indicator Tool (FIT), the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), and other resources and information relevant to associated Objectives.
Objectives and KPIs will be forwarded by the President to the Board of Trustees along with a complete Strategic Plan document for the Board’s approval by May 2023.
Moving the Strategic Plan forward must be executed through the development and implementation of Operational Plans. Operational planning is the work of producing results. Once the Strategic Plan is approved, one or more Vice Presidents will be assigned responsibility for implementing each goal and objective. The Vice Presidents will use the goals and objectives to guide the development of their annual operational plans.