University Marketing & Communications

The University Marketing & Communications Department provides the expertise and resources needed to promote Molloy University and the University's mission of transformational education. The department provides services in the following areas:
- Branding & Marketing
- News & Media Relations
- Multimedia & Website
- Publications
- Creative Services
Subject Matter Experts
Molloy University faculty are available to provide journalists and others with their expert perspective on a wide variety of topics, including those listed below. Pease contact our Executive Director of Marketing & Communications, Jacquelyn Rath at or 516.639.6846 for more information.
Arts, Sciences and Humanities
School of Arts and Sciences
- Animal Ethics
- Bioethics
- BLM Protein in DNA Metabolism
- Bloom’s Syndrome
- Care Ethics
- Coastal Biodiversity
- Conservation Biology
- Crime
- Crime and Technology
- Democracy and Political Participation
- Dietary Ethics
- Drugs, Gangs and Law
- Drug Policy
- Earth History
- Ecosystem Health
- Education and Ethics
- Enforcement
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Ethics
- Estuarine Habitat Restoration
- Existential Therapy
- Gender and Crime
- Influenza Pandemic of 1918
- International Criminal Justice
- International Relations/U.S. Foreign Policy
- Juvenile Delinquency
- Juvenile Justice
- Law and Society
- Long Island History
- Mass Media
- Mass Shootings
- Medical Ethics/Bioethics
- Medieval Europe
- Music Therapy and ASD, developmental and emotional challenges
- National Parks
- Native American Philosophy and Issues of Indigenous Rights
- New York City History
- Performance Management
- Philosophy in Visual Art and Popular Culture
- Philosophy of Emotions
- Policing
- Politics of Fandoms/Celebrity Culture
- Race, Crime and Justice
- Racism and Racial Justice
- Social Movements and Social Change
- Terrorism
- World War One
School of Business
- Accounting Regulations (FASB)
- Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
- Algorithmic Trading
- Assessment & Accreditation
- Banking
- Big Data
- Brand Strategy
- Business Start-ups/Incubation
- Business and Marketing Industry
- Business Coaching Industry
- Business Education
- Business-to-Consumer Marketing
- Business Statistics
- COVID-19 and Public Health
- Customer/Consumer Empowerment
- Consumer Behavior
- Consumer Privacy
- CPA Exam Requirements/Preparation
- Customer Relationship Management
- Data Analytics
- Economics
- Entrepreneurship
- Faith-based Economic Development
- Financial Inclusion & Dualism
- Financial Markets
- Financial Modeling
- Financial Technology
- Healthcare Industry
- Hospitals and Health Systems
- Healthcare Economics
- Healthcare Finance
- Healthcare Governance
- Higher Education Accounting
- Higher Education in Business
- High Frequency Trading
- Hospitality
- Immigrant Savings Patterns
- Industrial Engineering & Operations Research
- Informal/Alternative Financial Institutions
- Integrated Business and Marketing Strategy
- Integrated Marketing Communications
- International Financial Reporting Standards
- Leadership
- Long Island Upper & Middle-class Neighborhoods
- Machine Learning
- Market Research
- Marketing Strategy
- Middle-class Wealth Accumulation
- Monetary and Fiscal Policy
- Not-for-profit Accounting
- Not-for-profit Management
- Online Education
- Operations Management
- Personal Finance Management
- Post-pandemic Workplace
- Probability and Statistics
- Project Management
- Public Health
- Public Health and College Student Mental Illness
- Quantitative Analysis
- Retail
- Retail and Digital Commerce
- Rotating Credit and Savings Associations
- Small Business Development
- Sports Ethics
- Sports Law
- Technology Management
- Travel and Tourism Business
- Wealth Inequalities & Accumulation
Education and Human Services
School of Education and Human Services
- Anxiety/Depression
- Catholic education (history of, role of religious sisters in its creation and fruition, feminist theory as it relates to religious sisters, charisms of religious orders/congregations as driving forces of schools and school climates)
- Clinical Supervision/Counselor Education
- Collaborative Digital Tools
- Coping with Life Changes/Transitions
- Coping strategies
- Culturally responsive teaching practices/multicultural education
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Nursing and Health Sciences
- Acute Care
- Asthma
- Cardiology/Hypertension
- Critical Care
- Diabetes
- Education/Prevention
- Global Health
- Hepatitis
- Immunizations
- Liver Disease
- Narrative Pedagogy
- Pediatric Primary Care
- Primary Care Medicine
- Qualitative Research
- Relationship Violence
- Simulation Education