Accounts Payable

Other Miscellaneous Forms
New vendor and updated vendor information should be submitted on a W9 form. In addition to the information on the form please include the vendor’s phone number and email address, this additional information is required so that we have complete and accurate information in the system.
Using the OneDrive you will share the document with and They will receive an email with a link to the document and save the file and update the information in Jenzabar.
Please follow this link for instructions on sharing files and folders using the OneDrive.
W9 Form -
Professional/Contracted Services – Independent Contractors
Note: Concord must be used for all contracts
Please refer to the contract review and approval process located in the compliance link on the Molloy website for the procedure for all contracts. A purchase order is now required, even with a signed contract in order to encumber the required funds. The signed contract must be uploaded to Lion’s Den with the purchase requisition. If the contract is longer than a couple of pages, please only upload the page outlining the total cost and the signature page.
The following guidelines apply to honoraria payments:
Definition: An honorarium is a payment for services for which custom or propriety forbids a price to be set.
This method of payment is usually made to a guest speaker or lecturer as a "thank you" and gesture of good will and appreciation. An honorarium is not based on an agreed amount between the individual providing services and the individual seeking services. If payment is agreed upon, this constitutes a contractual agreement.
- Honoraria are payments for one-time teaching or speaking engagements to individuals who are not employed by the University; and, honoraria payments have no time/date stipulations, thus normal payment terms apply = Net 30 days.
- Honoraria represent taxable income to the recipient. If accumulated honoraria payments are $600.00 or more during a calendar year, a 1099 is sent to the recipient and the IRS.
- All payments require a social security number.
- Honoraria should not be recurring to the same individual.
Employee Reimbursements
Employees should submit their reimbursements to
The reimbursement request must be submitted within 60 days of incurring the expense. Requests submitted after 60 days will not be reimbursed. The only exception is during the University’s fiscal year end, which is June 30th. All employee reimbursements for the previous fiscal year are due by July 31st. Payments for employee reimbursements are made within 3 weeks of submission if all required information is submitted. Payments are made via payroll. Reimbursements do not increase the employee’s base salary and will not be included in the calculation of university benefits.
The Employee Reimbursement Request form should be submitted with all corresponding receipts. The form should be completed entirely to not delay processing. This form needs to include Date, Vendor, Purpose, General Ledger Account Number, and Supervisor signature. Itemized receipts should be submitted along with request. Restaurant receipts should be itemized and include the credit card slip, if separate. IRS guidelines require a list of all attendees with all dinner receipts.
You cannot sign/approve your own expense reimbursement.
The University reserves the right not to reimburse sales tax for a transaction that would have qualified for a sales tax exemption if it had been properly processed through the appropriate channels.
Alcohol is not reimbursable, except for the President and the Vice President for Advancement.
Business Travel Expenses
Faculty travel needs to be pre-approved by the Dean. The University will reimburse expenses up to the stated annual limit as disclosed in the faculty handbook, for the current fiscal year the amount is $800.00 per faculty per academic year. Reimbursements need to be approved/signed by your Dean and the VP of Academic Affairs. If the dean has additional funding to cover expenses over the stated limit
Definition: Business travel expenses are expenses incurred by an individual while on University related business. For example, attending a conference or event. Typical expenses include airfare, hotel, meals, ride services or mileage and conference fees.
Complete an Employee Reimbursement Request form for all allowable expenses and include receipts for all expenses. Final hotel invoice and airline email confirmation is required.
The following are not reimbursable:
- Entertainment, including in-room movies
- Toiletries and cosmetics
- Personal travel insurance
- Alcohol
- Expenses incurred by spouse, including meals and or tickets
Travel Advances
Travel advances are used to provide an employee with funds to pay for estimated future travel expenses. Travel advances will be considered only after approval from your academic Dean or Vice President. An Employee Reimbursement Request form should be submitted to along with the approval from your supervisor. Travel advances must be reconciled to the actual expense incurred on the trip within 10 business days of returning from the trip. A complete reconciliation should be submitted to accounting and all unused funds must be returned to the University in the form of a check along with the reconciliation.
Wireless Communication Stipend
Any employee whose job duties require the use of a cell phone for university-related business purposes is eligible to request support from the University by completing the Wireless Communication Agreement and/or the Wireless Communication Stipend Agreement. All Agreements must be signed by the President and appropriate Vice President.
The University will pay a flat-rate market monthly allowance to be set annually (current fiscal year is $50), independent of the cell phone provider and plan selected by the employee. In no event shall the amount exceed the actual cost. The employee must provide the plan’s first page of the monthly bill with the Employee Reimbursement Request form to
Accounts Payable
Donna Ferrara
Accounts Payable Specialist
555 Albany Ave.
Motherhouse, Rm 208
Patricia Brodersen
Accounts Payable Clerk
555 Albany Ave.
Motherhouse, Rm 208