University’s DEI Statement

University’s DEI Statement
Through academic excellence, our values and guiding virtues, leadership, and collaboration, Molloy University strives to identify barriers to equity and inclusivity for members of our community. Molloy University will actively work to dismantle all structures of oppression so that all students, faculty, staff, and administrators are recognized and honored as integral to the success of the institution.
The University is committed to embodying a welcoming and supportive environment in keeping with our Catholic and Dominican heritage and mission defined by an understanding that our community draws strength from our differences. Molloy seeks to nurture attitudes and behaviors that promote global awareness, inclusive sensibilities, and respect for individuals’ diverse experiences as informed by race, religion, socio-economic status, gender, sexual orientation, country of origin, (dis)ability, ideology, and other expressions of human difference and allow for respectful dialogue (disputatio) on issues of importance. As part of this commitment, Molloy denounces all forms of bigotry and bias.
Consistent with the above declaration and Catholic and Dominican values, Molloy asks every member of the community to recognize their responsibility to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and active dismantling of structural oppression. Recognizing that our institution has work to do to achieve our goals, all members of the Molloy University community are collectively responsible for actively:
- promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in all planning, policy, decision-making, procedural, administrative, and academic operations throughout the University.
- standing up against any behavior or action that is diversity-intolerant, exclusionary, and/or discriminatory.
- promoting a campus environment that continuously works for greater equity through leveling access of opportunity for all.