Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

Cupola atop a building on the Molloy University campus

University's DEI Committee

Membership and Charge

The DEI Committee is composed of administrators, faculty, staff, and undergraduate and graduate students. While there is no set number of committee members, diverse representation across Molloy’s various schools and departments is essential during committee selection. After a university-wide nomination and application process, the Vice President for Mission Integration and Inclusion selects committee members in consultation with the President’s Cabinet. Terms last up to two academic years. The Vice President for Mission Integration and Inclusion chairs or co-chairs the Committee. Co-chairs may be appointed by the Vice President for Mission Integration and Inclusion after committee formation.

The DEI Committee is responsible for advising the Vice President for Mission Integration and Inclusion and supporting, developing, and making recommendations to the Molloy community and its Governance Committees concerning university-wide DEI initiatives, planning, policies, and procedures.

DEI Committee

DJ Mitchell, Vice President, Mission Integration and Inclusion, Co-Chair

Max Renner, Assistant Professor, Communication and New Media, Co-Chair (Fall 2023-Spring 2025)

Melanie Arvanitis, Undergraduate Student, Psychology and Art (Fall 2024-Spring 2026)

Brian Bajzek, Assistant Professor, Theology and Religious Studies (Fall 2024-Spring 2026)

Alani Banks, Administrative Assistant, St. Thomas Aquinas Program (Fall 2024-Spring 2025)

Smirna Yoc Bautista, Undergraduate Student, Accounting (Fall 2024-Spring 2026)

Kritika Bedi, Undergraduate Student, Political Science and Philosophy (Fall 2024-Spring 2026)

Rosa Berland, Adjunct Faculty, Art (Fall 2023-Spring 2025)

Susan Bloom, Associate Librarian and Head of Instruction and Outreach, JET Library (Fall 2023-Spring 2025)

Kathy Brunet, Assistant Director, Center for Access and Disability (Fall 2023-Spring 2025)

Carlos Dos Santos, Assistant Director, Student Involvement (Fall 2024-Spring 2026)

Theresa Eaves, Clinical Counselor and Project Coordinator of the GLS Suicide Prevention Grant, Student Counseling Center (Fall 2023-Spring 2025)

Betyne Farrell, Doctoral Candidate, Educational Leadership for Diverse Learners (Fall 2024-Spring 2025)

Lorraine Emeghebo, Associate Professor, Nursing (Fall 2023-Spring 2025)

Anna George, Associate Professor, Nursing (Fall 2023-Spring 2025)

Tashia Green, Senior Assistant Registrar, Registrar’s Office (Fall 2024-Spring 2026)

Hyokyeong Lee, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science (Fall 2024-Spring 2025)

Amy Meyers, Professor, Social Work (Fall 2024-Spring 2025)

Chandler Patton Miranda, Assistant Professor, Education (Fall 2024-Spring 2026)

S. Maureen Muir, Administrative Coordinator, Campus Ministries (Fall 2024-Spring 2026)

Danielle Ortiz, Administrative Assistant, Clinical Mental Health Counseling (Fall 2023-Spring 2025)

Jeannine Perrin, Administrative Assistant, The Rebecca Center for Music Therapy (Fall 2024-Spring 2025)

Stella Pinzon-Goon, Program Coordinator, CSTEP (Fall 2024-Spring 2025)

Erin Reilly, Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders (Fall 2024-Spring 2026)

Allison Roda, Associate Professor, Education (Fall 2024-Spring 2025)

Michele Romandetto, Equity and Title IX Specialist, Human Resources (Fall 2023-Spring 2025)

Stephanie Sage, Doctoral Student, Education (Fall 2024-Spring 2025)

Layla Saied, Undergraduate Student, Music (Fall 2024-Spring 2026)

Jason Schoen, Instructional Designer, Blended and Online Learning (Fall 2023-Spring 2025)

Amy Smith, Graduate Students, Business Administration (Fall 2023-Spring 2025)

Jorge Sosa, Professor, Music (Fall 2023-Spring 2025)

Cindy Thomas, Executive Assistant and Academic Affairs Specialist, Academic Affairs (Fall 2023-Spring 2025)

Elizabeth Vidaurre, Associate Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science (Fall 2023-Spring 2025)

Denae Wheeler, Master’s Student, Clinical Mental Health Counseling (Fall 2024-Spring 2025)